In a recent interview with Star Wars Holocron, Darth Maul actor Sam Witwer had much to say regarding the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars . He examined what it was like revisiting the character of Maul during the Siege of Mandalore, the process of creating this final season, and how respecting George Lucas' vision for the story was at the forefront of the team's mission. Now it seems the Star Wars actor has given fans a peek behind another curtain for the other popular animated galactic TV show, Star Wars Rebels .
In the second part of his exclusive interview with Star Wars Holocron , Sam Witwer discussed the role of Maul in Star Wars Rebels , who was a main character of the show for both the second and third season. He also commented on the initial casting for the series, where instead of just voicing Maul and Emperor Palpatine, Witwer was set to play Jedi Knight, Kanan Jarrus:
“Rebels, for a second according to a few people at Lucasfilm, was called ‘The Sam Show’ because I was Kanan. And then they found Freddie [Prinze Jr] after they heard Freddie’s audition. I’ve got to be honest, I had a certain take on the character, and what I was doing was not better than what Freddie was doing. What Freddie was doing was better than what I was doing in my opinion, and I realized that when I saw it. I was like, wow, this guy is absolutely that character. I think that’s the way to go.”
After playing countless villains in the franchise, including Maul, Emperor Palpatine, and his somewhat of a good guy in Galen Marek (or Starkiller) for the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed games, it would've been fascinating to see Witwer as a straightforward hero in this series. He certaintly would've brought a unique perspective to the role, as he states in the quote above. It makes one wonder if Kanan's story would be the same as it was in the show with Witwer as the lead, or if the story group would take a new direction to be more in line with his different approach. Whatever the case may be, most fans are likely pleased that Freddie Prinze Jr. stepped in to audition for the part. As intriguing as Witwer's Kanan Jarrus might have been, Prinze Jr. was clearly made for that character and spectactularly brought a cocky and flawed human Jedi to life that has since become one of the most revered in Star Wars.