It's no secret that George Lucas wasn't happy with the direction Disney took for the sequel trilogy. Since those negotiations and talks for the story of The Force Awakens , he hasn't had much of a role in creating this new era for Star Wars besides visiting sets and dishing out some advice for the filmmakers. However, his apprentice Dave Filoni has continued Lucas' vision for the franchise through the seventh season of The Clone Wars , a show that originated with the Star Wars creator himself. It seems that Filoni and the team at Lucasfilm's work on the show's final chapter hasn't gone unnoticed by Lucas.
In an exclusive interview from Star Wars Holocron with Sam Witwer, the voice behind Darth Maul for both The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels , the actor discusses what it was like coming back to the character during this pivotal moment in the Star Wars timeline and the overall scope of the series' final arc, known as The Siege of Mandalore. When talking about George Lucas' reaction to the final season, Witwer had this to say:
“ George [Lucas] has been calling Dave and giving him nice little comments on the episodes. I really, really hope we get some positive feedback from the maker himself when this comes out. This show has such a special place in George's heart... I truly loved to hear that George was reacting well to [the final season of The Clone Wars]. And I’m happy to hear that he likes how Clone Wars is going so far this season and I really hope he likes our finale because that’s where it all counts. "
Seeing how much Dave Filoni, and the entire crew, care about receiving Lucas' approval on this final season is very telling of how much respect and love they still hold for the renowned filmmaker. As Witwer states in the interview, this season of The Clone Wars is " the last George Lucas produced Star Wars," so it's understandable why these final installments mean so much to the team over at Lucasfilm and Lucas himself. It's a known fact that Filoni and Lucas' relationship was similar to that of a master and apprentice, and Filoni having this immense joy in bringing Lucas' stories to life all these years could be indicative of the future Star Wars stories that he tells. It would be no surprise if The Clone Wars producer reaches out to his former master for new directions and ideas that the story group could take with this beloved franchise.
You can watch the final episodes of The Clone Wars exclusively on Disney+ every Friday, with the finale streaming on Monday, May 4th.