Warning - This article contains spoilers through Episode 5 of Loki.
Marvel fans have gone on a thrilling ride over the last five weeks with Tom Hiddleston's Loki on Disney+, which has set up a wild and unpredictable final episode coming in the near future. With the Time Variance Authority in shambles and no clear villain standing in Loki and Sylvie's path, it will be exciting to find out how the God of Mischief's solo story comes to an end.
Throughout this show's run, particularly in Episode 5, Marvel Studios continued to prove its status as one of the best in the game at Easter eggs coming from its source material. From connections to Kang the Conquerer all the way to remnants of the Living Tribunal, Loki's penultimate episode used the Void to perfection to give fans teases for some of Marvel's heavy hitters.
As it turns out, one of those heavy hitters was supposed to make an appearance right from the start of the show, although it didn't work out in the end.
Loki producer/writer Eric Martin revealed on Twitter that Throg from "Journey Into Mystery" was actually supposed to have a more prominent role in the series' season premiere.

Instead of having the "Frog of Thunder" in a jar, the team "actually shot a scene for the Time Theater" in the show's debut episode where Loki was "pummeled" by the amphibian. Unfortunately, the scene was cut for timing purposes, although Martin admitted Loki actor Tom Hiddleston "was funny as hell" during shooting:
Comic fans will notice the Frog of Thunder in that jar. We actually shot a scene for the Time Theater in Ep 1 of Loki getting pummeled by Frog Thor, but had to cut it to keep things moving. It’s too bad, because Tom was funny as hell. #LokiMidnightTheater
Frog Thor was only seen for about a second in Episode 5 as the camera panned down from the surface of the Void to the Loki Variants' underground hideout. The animal was trapped in a jar while trying to reach another version of the mighty hammer Mjolnir buried in the ground just above him.
As crazy as this series has been so far, just imagine how fans would have reacted to seeing the God of Mischief endure a beatdown from a frog version of his adopted brother. This even comes after Throg was teased in "The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard," which Loki presumably developed himself while disguised as Odin in Thor: Ragnarok.
Loki's interrogation with Mobius in the time theater certainly had its intense moments in the final cut, with Mobius forcing the Asgardian to take a deep look at himself and why he did the things he did. It's unclear where Throg would have come into play here, but whatever the answer, this is certainly going to be behind-the-scenes footage fans want to lay their eyes upon soon.
The first five episodes of Loki are available to stream on Disney+.