The story of the DC Extended Universe's Justice League is one of the absolute craziest and convoluted in all of Hollywood thanks to the litany of issues that occured off-camera during production. With Joss Whedon taking over for Zack Snyder early into shooting, the subsequent stories of abuse from Whedon that have surfaced this year, and the eventual green light given to the Snyder Cut on HBO Max, it's become a drama-filled saga that fans will be talking about for a long time to come.
The chatter about the toxic nature of the movie's reshoots has been on fans' minds all summer mostly due to the statements released from Cyborg actor Ray Fisher. Fisher has added even more to this story recently, specifically about how much of his footage had to be redone for the film's theatrical release.
In a new interview with Geek Show House via ComicBook, Cyborg actor Ray Fisher revealed that every single scene he originally shot for Justice League, except for one, was reshot later on for the movie's theatrical cut finished by director Joss Whedon. Fisher gave the quote below as he discussed how much work he had to redo once Whedon replaced Zack Snyder mid-way through production:
It's hard to tell with certain shots of other people for scenes that I wasn't there for, but what I can tell you from my character and from what you saw in the theatrical version that every single scene, with the exception of the Gotham City police rooftop scene with Commissioner Gordon and Batman and Flash; every single scene that I'm in was reshot. I reshot almost the entire film on my end.
The full interview can be watched below:
Considering Ray Fisher's Cyborg finished with just under 33 minutes of screen time in the theatrical cut of Justice League, this is an enormous portion of material he was forced to shoot multiple times during the film's production. This hasn't been a point of contention in Fisher's accusations against both Joss Whedon and Warner Bros, and it's still unclear if the film's other stars had to reshoot as much as he did. This reveal has been one of many that exemplifies how disjointed and chaotic the set of Justice League became through the directorial changes behind the scenes.
Fisher has spent most of this past summer teasing how abusive and toxic production became after Zack Snyder's departure, although it is still a mystery as to what specifically occurred and sent things into such a bad turn. He was part of the group of stars that returned to finish shooting more material for the Snyder Cut last month as well, and it will be interesting to find out exactly what changes with Cyborg's story in the highly anticipated redone movie.
Fisher is set to be in Zack Snyder's Director's Cut of Justice League when it premieres on HBO Max in 2021, and he is likely to also play a role in The Flash upon its theatrical release in 2022.