"Nothing good is born from lies" as Diana Prince has told us, so can we trust that the less-common phrase "sixth time's the charm" rings true when Wonder Woman 1984 is expected to release come Christmas Day? December 25, 2020 is WW84's sixth "official" theatrical release date after Warner Bros. delayed the sequel film again from its October 2 date. Before the pandemic caused shutdowns worldwide, the DC film was supposed to release back in June.
Fans were undoubtedly excited for the film's release following the WW84 panel at DC FanDome, in which a newly released trailer unveiled the first look at Cheetah, portrayed by Kristen Wiig, in her comic-accurate form. Now with the film's delay to Christmas Day, DC fans will instead have to relish in any new footage unearthed in new promotional content, including a recently released international trailer.
A recently released Japanese trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 unveiled new extended action footage between Diana Prince and villain Cheetah, as well as Gal Gadot's superhero in her shiny gold armor.
A majority of the footage in the international trailer is inclusive of scenes from previously released domestic trailers, however there are a few extended action scenes including both Wonder Woman and Cheetah. The trailer begins with the iconic shot of Diana Prince swinging on bolts of lightning, transitioning into an extended sequence of her attacking a military base in her 'Golden Eagle Armor.'
While previous trailers have shown her don the armor already, the Japanese trailer includes a brief shot of an enemy turret firing at Wonder Woman in the sky. In addition, we're treated to a new sequence where Diana attacks a group of soldiers from the sky, before landing in preparation for a confrontation (presumably with Cheetah in her comic form, based on footage from the DC Fandome trailer).
Speaking of Cheetah, we're again treated to what looks to be her first confrontation with Wonder Woman (given that she's still in human form, albeit enhanced). This scene is followed by brief new footage of Diana, in her normal attire, meeting Cheetah as her alter ego: Barbara Ann Minerva. Not a long time after that, the trailer cuts back to their initial confrontation with new footage, showing Wonder Woman attempting to wield her Lasso of Truth, only for Cheetah to counter her attack, tossing Diana Prince away in the process.
If the brief glimpses of new footage weren't enough to keep fans excited for the films eventual release, than the international trailer ends on a prominent note, closing with the iconic musical score from the first film, which surely will make its return in Wonder Woman 1984.
MCU, STAR WARS, and DCU Writer