Netflix has the first three seasons of the Dr. Stone anime series, but with Season 4 just airing, many wonder when those episodes will hit the streaming service.
The show follows a world where a mysterious blinding light petrified all of humanity for 3,700 years. Thankfully for existence, scientific genius Senku Ishigami is able to wake up and work on a plan to revive civilization.
The anime is based on the original Manga, which was first published in 2017 and ran for 27 volumes.
When Will Dr. Stone Season 4 Release on Netflix?

To find out when Dr. Stone Season 4 will be released on Netflix, it’s best to examine the history of previous seasons.
Season 1 was first released on Netflix on May 1, 2024, following an original airdate of December 13, 2019. Season 2 followed suit on May 15, 2024, 34 months after its finale originally aired.
Thankfully, that large gap likely represents the show’s first leap to Netflix and not the standard wait between a season’s original air date and the jump to Netflix.
Proof of that is seen with Season 3, which arrived on January 1, 2025, after airing its final episodes on December 2023—only 13 months later
Season 4 first aired on January 7, 2025. It is currently expected to have over 20 episodes.
So, assuming there could be 24 episodes like the first season, that places the finale airdate, assuming a weekly release, on June 17. 13 months after that would be July 2026, the estimated Netflix release date.
One hiccup in that road, however, is that Season 4 is set to be split into three parts. If each section has breaks, then the Netflix debut could be further away—unless each part gets a separate Netflix release, in which case, new episodes could hit the service earlier in 2026.
Will There Be Episodes of Dr. Stone?
Season 4 will be the last batch of episodes for the Dr. Stone series, though it will be broken into three epic arcs.
However, many fans are worried that the show won't be able to finish the story covered in the original mangas, which has a total of 26 volumes and 231 chapters (plus one additional supplementary volume two years later).
Season 3 of the anime ended by covering the story in Volume 16, Chapter 142. That leaves 89 chapters to cover.
Each episode usually covers roughly two and a half chapters, which means that the show would need about 36 episodes—likely more than the final season will have.
Dr. Stone's first three seasons are now available to stream on Crunchyroll.