The second trailer for Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness likely has fans wishing they could use the Time Stone to transport themselves to the film's May 2022 release date. Not only will this sure-to-be-blockbuster further the arc of one Stephen Strange, but it's also heavily rumored to be chock full of cameos from around the MCU Multiverse.
One of those cameos comes in the form of Sir Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier from Fox's X-Men movies (heard in the trailer). Another all-but-confirmed appearance concerns Captain Carter, the Peggy Carter Variant from Marvel's What If...? who became a super-powered hero in Steve Rogers' stead.
Carter's shield can be glimpsed on the official theatrical poster for Multiverse of Madness and now, there's even more evidence surfacing that points to the Super Soldier's inclusion.
Disney+ Italy Hints At Captain Carter

The official Twitter account for the Italian version of Disney+ tweeted the following message:
"Sembra che quello scudo sia riapparso recentemente da qualche parte... non vi sembra una "Follia"? #CaptainCarter e tutti gli episodi di #WhatIf vi aspettano su #DisneyPlus!"
When translated to English, this text reads:
It looks like that shield has recently reappeared somewhere... Doesn't that sound like "Madness" to you?
Captain Carter and all the episodes of What If...? are waiting for you on Disney Plus!
The account shared an image of Captain Carter from Episode 1 of What If...? along with the tweet:

Doctor Strange 2: Cameopalooza
Fans will surely know that the tweet is referencing the Captain Carter shield visible on the Multiverse of Madness poster.
Of course, this is just more fuel for the fire, as it adds to the growing speculation of Multiversal characters appearing in the sequel. With Professor X and Captain Carter essentially confirmed, it's not at all a leap for one to begin buying into the various leaks and rumors.
In fact, rumors point to the purpose of the film's late-2021 round of reshoots being for adding even more cameos and special appearances after Spider-Man: No Way Home used them to such great effect.
Will Deadpool show up for his MCU debut? Or a member of the Fantastic Four? And what about Hugh Jackman's fan-favorite Wolverine? All of these questions and many more will be answered when Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness portals into theaters on May 6, 2022.