Marvel Studios is notorious for being very secretive with the production of their shows and movies. There is a lot of work done to keep leaks at bay, from tight security on sets to the method in which scripts are delivered to actors.
This tight lid on potential spoilers has become one of the things Marvel is most known for, with cast and crew frequently joking about it and even using it as a form of promotion for MCU projects. However, Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch was forced to take it to a whole new level while promoting his new movie, The Mauritanian .
In a streamed Zoom call discussing The Mauritanian with The Concordia Forum , Benedict Cumberbatch made an appearance...kind of.
Benedict looked good during that zoom meeting 😍 I just know it. He did the video while looking like Doctor Strange and it’s all embargoed, ofc. pic.twitter.com/4ax9mEkhT0
Cumberbatch explained his lack of physical presence on camera by saying "I can't show you my face, because I'm filming Doctor Strange [in the Multiverse of Madness] and it's all embargoed, what I look like."
Cumberbatch having to hide his face may indicate that Dr. Strange gets a big change in his appearance at some point in Multiverse of Madness , considering he has recently done other interviews to promote The Mauritanian with his face visible. Given his mention of being in his trailer, though, it's probably more likely that he was in costume at the time of the Zoom call and therefore was not allowed to be seen in public.
Cumberbatch is growing his facial hair out for his Sorcerer Supreme role , something that he did not do for previous Marvel Studios movies thanks to the convenience of glue-on prosthetics.
It may be difficult for the actors at times to have to keep a lid on so much (even the way they look) and it has certainly caused many-a-fan frustration to not be able to get the information they want about a project. However, it can be quite beneficial to the studio for more reasons than the obvious. Marvel has based several of their marketing campaigns around giving as little information about the movie as possible, which has made audiences want to see them that much more.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled to be released on March 25, 2022.