Spider-Man: No Way Home was not only one of the most successful films that Marvel and Sony Studios have put out, but it created one of the best theater experiences for audiences around the world. Seeing the likes of Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe return or Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire walk out of those portals is something fans will never forget.
Riding off the success of their most recent film, Sony is now looking ahead at what's next. There's a third Venom film in development, and Jared Leto's Morbius is just around the corner.
One of their biggest projects, however, is Kraven the Hunter. The film is set to follow one of Spider-Man's biggest foes and will star Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the leading role.
In a recent interview, the man who will be bringing Kraven to life spoke about No Way Home and the incredible experience both he and his children had in theaters watching it.
Johnson Shares High Praise

In an interview with Andrew Garfield for Hero Magazine, Kraven the Hunter star Aaron Taylor-Johnson commented on his experience in theaters watching the most recent Tom Holland Spider-Man film.
Johnson revealed that "three of [his] daughters were there," and that they immediately recognized Andrew Garfield, who shared the same interview with the Kraven actor.
"Three of my daughters were there... but it was brilliant because we had just seen Spider-Man [No Way Home] and they recognized [Andrew Garfield], and after we all walked off, they were like, “Oh my god!” It’s always lovely I think, especially because my kids get to see actors in real life, to say, “This one’s a good one, you can say hello to this one!”
The actor noted that "[his younger children's generation's] Spider-Man is Tom Holland," his fifteen-year-old's is Garfield, and his is Tobey Maguire, and how great it was to have "every generation coming together to fight evil."
Taylor-Johnson bluntly and explicitly shared that No Way Home is "actually f-cking fantastic:"
"My two younger ones are ten and twelve, and their generation’s Spider-Man is Tom Holland. But the fifteen-year-old said [about Andrew], 'He’s my Spider-Man!' Then our generation’s is Tobey [Maguire]. [both laugh] The new film is just actually f-cking fantastic [Holland, Maguire and Garfield are all in the movie], I had one of the best experiences in a cinema I’ve probably ever had. It was a combination of so many things, and I think the undercurrent is that the whole world has experienced this thing together over the last two years – every generation – and in this film you’ve got every generation coming together to fight evil. There’s nostalgia in a lot of movies at the moment, like with Ghostbusters… reflecting but embracing it all at the same time to say, 'Look at how far we’ve come.' It was really moving."
Johnson exclaimed that he "[hasn't] been to a cinema like that," and that audiences were "screaming and cheering," and how "that atmosphere inside a cinema is what's going to bring back movies in such a big way:"
I don’t know if you ever got to be in a cinema seeing Spiderman but fuck, boy, the whole audience! Firstly, I haven’t been to a cinema like that – where we’ve all got masks on, everyone was vaxxed – it’s a packed-out cinema and the whole crowd is like, “Ohhhh!” and then like “Ohhhh!” Screaming and cheering, that atmosphere inside a cinema is what’s going to bring back movies in such a big way. It’s a commercial, big blockbuster but it tapped into so many emotional beats and delivered in such a way that I don’t think any other Marvel movie has been able to accomplish. It was just brilliant and moving.
The Power of Spider-Man
Hearing that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is watching Spider-Man films will likely bring some relief to fans. Sony Studio's plans for its various spinoff movies are often taken with plenty of comprehension amongst fans, but at least here, not only did the actor confirm he keeps up with the Spidey film, but he also had an incredibly memorable experience.
It's a shame then how his version of Kraven the Hunter is very likely never going to meet Spider-Man. Not that it's impossible, however. It's just with the precedence set by Venom; it doesn't seem like Sony having its own Spider-Man is in the cards right now.
Though, with Tom Hardy's brief MCU cameo at the end of Venom: Let There Be Carnage and Spider-Man: No Way Home, they might be considering it more than before. Maybe the studio is finally gearing up to get the webhead involved in its spinoffs.
In the mean meantime, Johnson's Kraven will have plenty to contend with as he has to go up against Chamelon and another mystery villain. Not only that, but he'll cross paths with Calypso and have to deal with Russell Crowe, who may be playing his father.
Kraven the Hunter is set to hit theaters on January 13, 2023.