All seemed lost, the MCU's heroes looked defeated, and Thanos had the gauntlet and all six Infinity Stones in his grasp. Then, all of a sudden, it was revealed that Iron Man himself, Tony Stark, had grabbed the stones from an unwitting Thanos.
As Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark uttered his classic line "I am Iron Man," he snapped his fingers, destroying Thanos (played in motion capture by Josh Brolin) and his forces while sacrificing himself in the process.
Indeed, this scene from 2019's blockbuster hit Avengers: Endgame was the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark, and now, fans can take it home with them thanks to Hasbro.
Hasbro has been going strong with its MCU Marvel Legends reveals as of late, with several figures going up for pre-order in the past few weeks.
Hasbro revealed another two figures in its The Infinity Saga set. This time, it's a two-pack of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark/ Iron Man and Josh Brolin's Thanos as they appeared in the closing moments of Avengers: Endgame's final battle.
This figure set is now available for pre-order here.

The set includes multiple alternate heads and hands and a plethora of accessories including Thanos' double-bladed sword and Tony's repulsor shield.

With a pack like this, fans should be able to recreate almost any Endgame scene that comes to mind. One can even notice a partially dusted Thanos head, and that his armor looks to be a bit worse for wear, indicating that the figure is meant to represent his appearance post-his altercation with Wanda Maximoff.

Additionally, both figures arrive with alternate infinity stone-wielding hands, so fans can recreate Tony's fateful sacrifice or even have Thanos claim victory by being the one who snaps.

This Hasbro figure set is now available for pre-order on Entertainment Earth.
Three sets have been shown off already from Hasbro's new The Infinity Saga collection (four, actually, if you count Odin who was also revealed today). There are reportedly seven more sets to still be unveiled. Hopefully, Hasbro uses this wave to fill in gaps in fans' collections. A handful of characters are still missing from Avengers: Endgame's final battle, such as Carol Danvers, Rocket, Wong, and Miek.
Of course, the toymaker will likely include those characters in its planned releases for upcoming films, so a new Carol figure will likely end up in a wave for The Marvels next year alongside Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan.
By the same token, one can likely expect a Wong figure for 2022's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The fan-favorite sorcerer has not yet been produced yet in Legends, and many collectors would be eager to add him to their displays.
Whatever figures end up coming down the pipeline, hopefully, fans and collections will be pleased with the character selections.