The Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series was officially given a title, and new plot details about the series were revealed at Disney's Investor Day meeting. This includes Hayden Christensen returning as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, the main plot being set 10 years after Revenge of the Sith, and a Kenobi vs. Skywalker "rematch of the century," according to Kathleen Kennedy.
A new report hints at who else Kenobi will be facing off with during this series. According to this report, Kenobi will be on the run from a group of Jedi-hunters that will feature clones. During the time between Episodes III and IV of Star Wars, we know the clones are mostly shifted out of the Empire, but they may still be very relevant during the time of Obi-Wan Kenobi...
At the 3:34 mark of Kessel Run Transmissions "EXCLUSIVE: The Villains Of The Obi-Wan Kenobi Series!" video, Corey Van Dyke reports that Temuera Morrison has been cast in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Morrison's specific role is not confirmed, but Noah Outlaw says that "we know their relationship. So it's definitely going to be emotional."
You can watch the full video below:
Temuera Morrison has the unique opportunity to play different characters throughout the Star Wars universe. This is because Jango Fett, played by Morrison, was the template of the clones created in Attack of the Clones. After having not played any Star Wars character since Revenge of the Sith, Morrison returned 15 years later, taking the mantle of Boba Fett in Season two of The Mandalorian. Now, this report suggests this is just the beginning of Morrison in the new Disney+ series'.
So, who will Morrison be playing in Obi-Wan Kenobi? Here are three options:
The first and most probable is CC-2224 aka Commander Cody from The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith. Kenobi and Cody build a close relationship during the Clone Wars up until Order 66 is unleashed by Emperor Palpatine, turning Cody into a Jedi-killer. Morrison has already played Cody during Episode III, and a reunion between Kenobi and Cody would certainly "be emotional."
A second option could be Captain Rex, another Morrison-doppelganger from The Clone Wars. Obi-Wan and Rex work together a lot throughout the three-year Clone War. We also know that Rex is alive during the time of Obi-Wan Kenobi (10 years after Revenge of The Sith) because of his role during Star Wars Rebels. If Morrison returns as Rex in this series, it could even mean we see Ahsoka Tano again in live-action.
The final and most simple answer is any clone. 3,000,000 clones were initially made in Kamino for the war, all with the body and face of Jango Fett aka Temuera Morrison. It is unlikely a Morrison appearance wouldn't be of a clone we have never heard of before, but who is to say he will only be playing one clone? We could see multiple Morrison's appear as different clones, similar to seeing the clones with their helmets off in Clone Wars; same face, but different characters.