The Kiner family, who serve as musical composers on Star Wars: The Bad Batch, hyped up the role of one Clone Commander Cody in Season 2 of the animated series.
The Bad Batch’s second season is quickly approaching. Due out in January, the series will continue the adventures of Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, Tech, and Omega as they try to survive in the wake of Order 66.
As most Star Wars fans know, Commander Cody was the clone trooper who most often fought alongside Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars, but when the Emperor made the fateful call for the clones to turn against the Jedi, Cody betrayed Obi-Wan and fired upon him on Utapau in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith.
There doesn’t seem to be much in-depth information on what happened to Commander Cody In Order 66’s aftermath, but he is, of course, confirmed to crop up in Bad Batch Season 2, something that the Kiners weren’t shy about teasing.
The Kiners Discuss Cody in Bad Batch

Speaking to The Convor Call on YouTube, The Bad Batch composers Kevin, Sean, and Dean Kiner went into some detail regarding Commander Cody’s role in the show’s upcoming new season. Dean Kiner was sure to mention “different turns” in Cody’s episode:
“Yeah, there’s a really great moment with [Cody.] That’s the most I’ll say. And I personally really– I love that episode. I think the direction of it is kind of… it’s another turn… You know, Bad Batch… one thing Kevin was talking about, we’re always just taking all these different turns and that episode goes in such an interesting place for some characters, Cody included. So it’s just… I love the nuance in that episode and I’m excited for you guys to see that one.”
When asked to describe their work on Season 2, Sean Kiner offered the following:
“My first thought was eclectic, because there are so many episodes that are wildly different from each other, because of how they–”
Dean Kiner then chimed in by teasing a particularly shocking installment:
“–Oh my God, I forgot one of the episodes. Yeah, talk about eclectic, holy shit… There’s an episode that’s like ’What?!’”
The pair’s father, Kevin, remarked that he’d use a different word: “I was gonna say epic for a couple of them.”
Dean also added “sad.” “Oh… Sad… Maybe it’s sad in a good way?”
Sean gave some context for his brother’s statement: “The galaxy is not in a great place and it’s not getting better.”
And finally, Kevin Kiner commented on the score’s unexpected nature. “… I think also it’s… when you hear that, it’s not going to be what you expect.”
Bad Batch Season 2 Looks To Be Quite the Ride
The Kiners have definitely done a good job of raising the excitement level for the Bad Batch’s upcoming exploits. If the second season is as exciting as they make it seem, then Star Wars fans are in for an exciting watch.
It seems as though Cody crosses paths with Crosshair, who chose to remain with the Empire in the Season 1 finale. Given Cody’s by-the-book nature, it would be logical to assume that he’d get along at least fairly well with the icy, but nonetheless rule-abiding Crosshair.
It will also be interesting to get a closer look at the Galactic Empire in its formative years since the show takes place so close to Revenge of the Sith in the franchise’s timeline.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 will premiere on January 4, 2023, only on Disney+.