By now, Spider-Man and MCU fans around the globe know that the latest Marvel Studios film to be released, Spider-Man: No Way Home, featured the return of not just Tom Holland as the title character, but the two previous cinematic Spider-Men as well. Indeed, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire memorably reprised their roles for the threequel.
However, leading up to the movie's release, there were vast amounts of subterfuge and cover-ups in order to preserve the surprise of Maguire and Garfield being in the movie. The latter lied several times in interviews, completely denying his involvement, but ultimately, Sony and Marvel found it difficult to keep a lid on information leaks of this magnitude.
In Fall 2021, well before the theatrical release of No Way Home, details surfaced online regarding how the returning characters were going to look in the film, alongside some images of various spoilery costumes. And now, it seems one of those images has resurfaced in a more legitimate fashion.
A New Look At Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man Suit
Christian Cordella, a concept artist on Spider-Man: No Way Home, took to Facebook to share his art of Tobey Maguire's iconic Spider-Man uniform that was used in conjunction with the costuming department to create the screen-used suit. This is the same concept art that leaked in October 2021.

The view of the suit featuring the classic spider symbol and eye lenses shines in Maguire's return.

And the back of the suit with the large, red spider emblem brings back memories from director Sam Raimi's original trilogy.

Below is an image of the suit as it appeared alongside Holland's and Garfield's in the finished film:

A Web of Costuming Details
It's always nice for fans to get a closer look at the concept art used for their favorite characters in their favorite movies. And while there were small, almost imperceptibly slight changes made to Maguire's suit in No Way Home, it's still immediately recognizable as the look that audiences came to know and love in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy from the 2000s.
The fact that Sony and Marvel went to such great lengths to attempt to conceal No Way Home's various surprises is nothing short of impressive. Even if they were not entirely successful, it's clear that a Herculean effort was put forth in this regard.
Of course, Marvel Studios has a similar situation on their hands going into May 2022's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. That film is rumored to be chock full of cameos from MCU and non-MCU Marvel projects alike. Judging by the sly inclusion of Sir Patrick Stewart's Professor X in the latest trailer, it would seem that Marvel is taking a slightly different approach in marketing to Spider-Man's total radio silence.
Marvel Studios' Spider-Man: No Way Home is now playing in movie theaters around the world.