With the premiere of Netflix's new show, Resurrected Rides, fans want to know everything they can about Shayna Guy, one of the cast members.
Resurrected Rides is similar to other shows that have been popular in the past, such as Pimp My Ride, where a group of car experts work together to give cars a full makeover. The series began streaming on Netflix on July 24.
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Meet Shayna Guy From Netflix's Resurrected Rides

Shayna Guy Graduated From Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Shayna Guy graduated with an associate's degree from the Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.
In an interview with Auto Revolution on the High Octane Hustle podcast, Shayna recalled her college experience and explained how it led to shaping her future.
Specifically, Shayna talked about how she painted before going to school for Collision Repair. She then talked a bit about her degree and how she "worked as a damage appraiser" before wanting to return to "painting:"
"I went to college for Collision Repair at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology in Pennsylvania, and, so I obtained my Associate's Degree in Collison Repair Technology, and then I worked as a damage appraiser for a little bit, and I really missed painting, so I would fill in for body shops whenever their painters were gone and stuff."
Shayna discussed how she started "apprenticing with a helmet painter" so that she could eventually start working for herself:
"Then, I just eventually, I hated working for other people, so, I was like, 'You know what, why can't I just paint for myself?' And then I just started doing, I started apprenticing with a helmet painter out of Shippensburg. His name is JR Fogelsonger, he goes by The Bizarretist, and he is an amazing helmet painter. So, he just happened to post on Facebook one day, he was like, 'Hey, I think I want to, like, teach somebody some stuff,' and I was like, 'Why not?'"
Shayna also talked about her relationship with Fogelsonger, specifically recalling her first time working under him and how they are still in touch today:
"I sent him this whole big thing. I was like, 'This is what I've done, I've went to school for Colission Repair [and] all of this,' and he was like, 'Sweet, just come on by.' It was super casual, and I was airbrushing the first night, and it was a really cool relationship because I could call him up at any time, even now."
Shayna Has Been Airbrushing Since 2016
Shayna's airbrushing skills are impressive, but she has not even been practicing for 10 years, which is even more impressive considering she is at the top of her profession.
In an interview with Mike's Brush (shared via YouTube), Shayna talked a bit about when she first started airbrushing and then when she started taking it "seriously:"
"I've been airbrushing since 2016, and seriously airbrushing since 2019, but, I mean, I've been an artist my whole life. I always wanted to do something art-related, but, I'm not, like, into the fine arts sitting in a studio."
Shayna then discussed her love for airbrushing and how "it never feels like work:"
"I love it so much. I could paint all day, every day, and that's why I do it. It never feels like work at any point in time, so I would never give that up for anything."
Shayna Thought Her Resurrected Rides Casting Call Was a Scam
On Resurrected Rides, Shayna is the custom painter, meaning that she is in charge of painting different designs on the cars that are being worked on.
In the interview on the High Octane Hustle podcast, she briefly described what it was like filming the show, explaining how she "painted all the cars on the show" and revealing that filming lasted for "four or five months:"
"I painted all the cars on the show so that was a really fun time. We filmed for like four or five months last year, so it was really cool to do."
Shayna then talked about her wild experience with getting cast on Resurrected Rides, explaining how she initially thought it was a "scam" when the casting company contacted her. She even asked her mother to look into it:
"The casting company, it was a complete third-part casting company and they messaged me on Instagram, and, well they commented on my picture and they said, 'Check your DMs,' and I'm like, 'Scam, 100%,' because they were like, 'We're a casting company,' and I'm like, 'This is so shady.' So, I read it, and I didn't reply to it, and she messaged me her number, she's like, 'You can call me, like, I'll promise you it's not a scam.' Then I called my mom and I said, 'Can you look into this company for me?' because she's very corporate and has all her corporate people, so I'm like, 'Can you look into this company and tell me if they're legit?'"
The Resurrected Rides painter then described what her mother told her and her initial conversation with the casting company:
"And she called me back, she's like, 'Go for it, I'm not finding anything bad on it, just see what it is.' So they were like, 'Yeah, this is a car makeover show. We can't tell you the streaming company, we can't tell you anything else, but that's just what it is,' and I was like, 'Cool,' and she was like, 'All I do is get you the interview, from there it's out of my hands,' and I was like, 'Well, cool.'"
The casting company then got back with her and told her that they were "90% sure [she would] be on the show" and that, moving forward, she would be contacted from "a Los Angeles number:"
"So then I went through an interview process on video calls, two of them, actually, and then I didn't hear anything from them for a really long time. I didn't hear anything for like two months, and then I got a call, and they said, 'Hey, they're 90% sure you're going to be on the show,' and I'm like, 'Sweet,' and then they're like, 'You're going to get a call from a Los Angeles number,' and I'm like, 'Okay, cool.'"
Shayna explained how "four months went by" without her hearing anything, but when she did start getting calls, "they were [from] Massachusetts numbers," so she didn't answer them:
"And then four months went by and I haven't heard a thing. So I'm like, 'Okay, it's just not happening, it was just cool to be considered, like it's cool that I even got that far.' And then I kept getting calls from these random numbers and they were Massachusetts numbers, so I'm like, 'They're scam calls or collection calls or whatever, I'm not answering that.' So, then, he texted me and was like, 'This is the production company. Can you call me back?'"
When Shayna finally realized through that text, she revealed she got in contact with them and learned that filming began in only one week:
"And I was like, 'Oh... yeah.' And that's when I called them back and they were like, 'Hey, um, we're going to start filming next week,' so I'm like, 'Okay, cool.'"
Shayna Is a Co-Owner of Gearhead Ghost
As she mentioned in an interview, Shayna did not like working for other people, so she found the perfect solution, which was becoming the co-owner of a company called Gearhead Ghost.
Gearhead Ghost takes cars and customizes them for any need, whether for a car owner or something like a movie or TV set.
According to the company's website, the team can do custom fabrications, custom paint jobs, electromotive design, and much more.
Shayna is one of Gearhead Ghost's owners, meaning she is at the top of the company's ladder.
For fans wanting to learn more about Gearhead Ghost and the work that its team does, it can be found on Instagram (@gearheadghostproductions).
How To Follow Shayna Guy Online
Fans can keep up with Shayna Guy through her social media accounts on Instagram (@13thstreetcustoms), X (formerly Twitter (@airbrushshayna)), and TikTok (@shaynadoesthings).
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Resurrected Rides is streaming on Netflix.