Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is only a few days from release, and with it comes the introduction of a brand-new hero. If reviews and first reactions are anything to go by, then fans should expect to be in for a treat.
One of the elements from the movies that truly excited the fanbase was the reveal of the Abomination fighting Wong in an underground fighting ring. Though a brief moment at the end of Shang-Chi's second trailer, the scene certainly made waves among fans.
Of course, the scene didn't come with any context as to why such a random match-up was occurring. The last time fans saw Tim Roth's Abomination was in 2008's The Incredible Hulk—that was thirteen years ago.
So why now? And why in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings?

The Direct had the pleasure of sitting down with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings producer Jonathan Schwartz, during which he discussed Abomination's involvement in the film.
More specifically, Schwartz talked about whether or not actor Tim Roth was involved in the process. According to Schwartz, "Roth did some vocalization for us... he certainly was part of that process."
But why? The Shang-Chi producer says that it "came down to who would be the coolest character for [that] moment," while also keeping in mind "whatever ongoing stories [various characters] have going on out there in the bigger universe:"
“There will be more of Abomination to come, so more of that story to be told. With regards to Shang-Chi, it sort of came down to who would be the coolest character for this moment? Who do we want to see in that ring? And then understanding who would make sense for whatever ongoing stories they have going on out there in the bigger universe."

It truly was unexpected to see Abomination pop up in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Another reason why the character may be returning is that Marvel Studios is planning on using him in the upcoming She-Hulk Disney+ show.
There also isn't a clear indication that Abomination will serve any major role in Shang-Chi, with him likely only being there for a quick moment or gag. Though, fans won't know for sure until September 3.
The character will definitely get time to shine in She-Hulk, however, as he is a key cast member on the show. So if anyone is disappointed by the ugly green behemoth's role in the film, they can at least rest easy knowing they'll see more of him very soon.