Phase 4 of the film side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been delayed until the end of 2020, but the show must still go on as much as possible in the meantime. The half-year wait before Marvel Studios' new movies and tv shows arrive will give an unusually long period of time for the cast and production to continue the hype for what's coming, and the studio's most high-profile names have spent the last few weeks in quarantine doing their best to keep fans excited. One of the latest interviews is continuing this trend, giving some deep insight into the MCU's debut film of Phase 4.
In an interview with Parade.com, Black Widow star and co-producer Scarlett Johannson went into detail about the timing being ideal right now for her first MCU solo adventure to release. She gave these quotes about how the film will go deeper thanks to the movie being released in 2020 as opposed to a release last decade:
It’s a film very much about self-forgiveness and accepting decisions that were made for you. It’s much deeper than anything we could have done earlier.
In the same light as a number of recent interviews for Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson makes it very clear here that the movie will take a deep dive into the Russian assassin-turned-hero's history. Ever since her debut appearance in 2010's Iron Man 2, Natasha has always played a supporting character throughout her eight Marvel movies to date. These films have all served to flesh out the heroine's story as much as possible before her first upcoming solo movie.
Black Widow will reportedly take place in between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War and show Natasha Romanoff on the run from the United Nations, with nearly her entire story until then being available to delve into. Nat's first solo film seems to have major redemption plans for the MCU's orginal female hero, giving insight into her darkest moments and exploring exactly how she turns her life around to become the hero she's been throughout the mega-franchise.
Featuring Johnansson as the film's star and co-producer, Black Widow also stars Florence Pugh (Yelena Belova), Rachel Weisz (Melina Vostokoff), David Harbour (Red Guardian) and more. The Cate Shortland-directed film is scheduled to release in theatres on November 6, 2020.