Nicholas Perry, the YouTube personality known as Nikocado Avocado, has a startling new look.
YouTube has provided millions of hours of entertainment to its vast user base since the site’s 2005 launch. A great many individuals have made careers out of uploading videos to the platform. But there are some creators who have gone to greater lengths than others to achieve fame and fortune.
Nikocado Avocado’s Weight Loss Explained

It might be difficult to believe for those familiar with his content, but YouTube’s own Nikocado Avocado aka, Nicholas Perry, began his career on the site as a vlogger who discussed the benefits of eating vegan. Somewhere along the line, Perry elected to abandon that schtick and go in a… decidedly different direction.
Starting in 2016, Perry switched gears and totally changed the focus of his channel to mukbang videos. Mukbang is a particular style of video content where people eat vast quantities of food in one sitting, on camera.
Through these videos, Perry experienced extreme weight gain, ballooning to about 350 pounds - in a video posted on February 6, he listed his weight at 359 pounds.
But on Friday, September 6, Perry uploaded a brand new video to his Nikocado Avocado channel. in the 25-minute segment, Perry revealed that he has lost all of the weight that he had previously put on.
Additionally, the 32-year-old explained that he was “two steps ahead” of his audience. In other words, he effectively tricked his viewers into believing he was still heavy by continuing to upload mukbang videos as he lost the weight, giving the illusion that the process was much faster than it was.
The videos in question were filmed years ago before Perry embarked on his weight loss journey. He referred to the deception as a “social experiment”.
The Many Controversies of Nikocado Avocado
In his tenure as a YouTube creator, Nicholas Perry has grabbed the attention of his followers through ways that could be described as emotionally manipulative or perhaps even disturbing.
Other creators have accused Perry of abusive behavior. For a stretch of time, fellow mukbanger Stephanie Soo seemed to be in an extended feud with Perry. Later, Perry claimed that the disagreement was manufactured to expand his popularity.
Many of Perry’s Nikocado Avocado videos involve him sobbing whilst sitting in front of large trays of food. And in one installment from 2020, Perry explained that he “saw Jesus” in a dream. From the outside looking in, what Perry was going through closely resembled a prolonged mental breakdown.
But now, his September 6 video has cast Perry’s prior content in a new light, leading many to believe that much of what he put on YouTube was a component in a years-long grift.
YouTube is a powerful platform. And oftentimes, it’s for all the wrong reasons. Creators who build a large enough audience can sometimes wield an absurd amount of power and control over the people who tune in to their videos.
There are those who choose to use that power for altruistic purposes, but others, like MrBeast, have been accused of using their influence for allegedly harmful and exploitative purposes.
This becomes especially concerning when one realizes how many young kids have unfettered access to YouTube and can be more susceptible to mistreatment from YouTubers whom they may perceive as idols.
As for Nikocado Avocado, his continued desire to be seen as a “villain” seemingly isn’t doing much harm to his public perception. But perhaps this latest development regarding his weight loss will be what causes the other shoe to drop.