Marvel Studios rejected seven alternate designs for Angelina Jolie's MCU superhero Thena in Eternals.
Angelina Jolie debuted in Eternals as Thena, an ancient warrior suffering from a tragic disability along with "PTSD or moral injury to live with."
7 Alternate Designs for Angelina Jolie's Eternal Superhero Released
The Marvel Studios' Eternals: The Art Of The Movie art book revealed seven designs for Angelina Jolie's Thena which were rejected for her MCU debut.
The final design featured in the movie amounted to a white robe-esque armor with a tiara to accompany the regal warrior attire.

The designs for Jolie's superhero outfit varied wildly, with many different color variations, styles, and levels of grandness, seemingly taking inspiration from warriors and soldiers across real-world history.

Most of the Eternals had rather dull-colored outfits compared to Thena's white garb, but some designs appear darker with green and purple elements.

The red robe strewn across Thena appears Roman in design, with armor and bracelets to go along with it.

One of these outfits gave Thena a far more robe-heavy outfit, which certainly appears less convenient for her agile style of combat.

A skin-tight green suit with long sleeves and legs was also considered for Jolie, with no robes or dangling fabric present on this one.

Thena seemingly had short hair in at least one rejected concept for her costume.

Some of the many Thena designs had a golden armored look, almost akin to the DCEU's Amazonians and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman 1984 suit.

Some of these even had helmets and faceplates, only further adding to the armored and ancient warrior aesthetic.

Thena wielded a number of weapons throughout Eternals, as represented in the concept art which includes swords, daggers, spears, and dual-wielded blades.

When Will Angelina Jolie's Thena Return to the MCU?
Seven of Arishem's ten original Eternals were still alive by the end of their MCU debut, with Angelina Jolie's Thena among the bunch. When the story closed out, Thena was traveling space with Druig and Makkari in search of other Eternals before crossing Harry Styles' Eros and Pip the Troll.
With Thena and her compadres stuck in the cliffhanger of their debut movie, Jolie's Marvel superhero likely won't appear until Eternals 2. Although a sequel has yet to be officially confirmed, the actress herself has teased its development, with many expecting the movie will arrive sometime in Phase 6.
When exactly Thena and the other Eternals will be seen outside of that is unclear for now, but perhaps they may appear in Avengers: The Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars to help Earth's Mightiest Heroes take down Kang and his many Variants.
Eternals is streaming now on Disney+.