Fans have learned a lot about The Mandalorian and the Star Wars Universe in general thanks to the Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian series on Disney+. Recently, fans discovered that Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker and is a well-known voice actor, provided the voice for the bartending droid EV-9D9 in the cantina scene from The Mandalorian 's fifth episode of its first season titled "The Gunslinger."
Mark Hamill has provided voices for other characters in Disney's Star Wars films, including the Rise of Skywalker 's Boolio and The Last Jedi' s Canto Bight gambler Dobbu Scay. But now Mark Hamill himself is now revealing other characters he voiced in Disney's era of Star Wars films.
Since the internet has been buzzing about Mark Hamill providing the voice for the cantina droid, he took to Twitter to share even more cameo info. In a tweet , he explained that he provided voice cameos in all of the Star Wars films except for the Prequels. This would include Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story .
He also shared he's credited as Patrick Williams for his various voice cameos. However, he later corrected this information in another tweet explaining the correct credit is William M. Patrick.
It's no secret Mark Hamill appreciates the Star Wars fandom and is a fan of the franchise itself. The fact he puts his voice talents to use in Star Wars purely for the sake of Easter Eggs only solidifies his fan status. It's also a nice touch learning his pseudonym is a tribute to his brothers, even though he won't tell us what the "M" stands for!
Due to Hamill's reveal, there's no doubt fans will be scanning the credits of future Star Wars films and shows for William M. Patrick. Even though Hamill has said he's officially done playing Luke Skywalker , he never said he was done with the Star Wars Universe.