Obi-Wan Kenobi recently dropped its first trailer, gripping fans the world over with a new story. The upcoming Star Wars streaming series marks the return of prequel-era actors Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen. The two will be reprising their roles as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as McGregor's Jedi is hunted down by the Empire's Inquisitors.
Much has been said about the plot of Kenobi, but specifics are still up in the air. One thing that has been confirmed is the inclusion of a young Luke Skywalker in the series. Young Skywalker could be seen in the trailer, practicing his best pod racing maneuvers at the Lars Homestead.
It is unknown how deeply involved Luke will be in the Disney+ series, but it does mark a watershed moment for the Star Wars franchise. A new actor is playing the young hero.
Child actor Grant Feely will take on the role of Luke in Kenobi, and has seemingly received a passing of the lightsaber from the original Luke Skywalker himself on social media.
Mark Hamill Praises the New Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill tweeted out offering praise to the actor Grant Feely, the new young actor playing Luke in Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The Star Wars veteran says "Grant Feely looks like a perfect Luke" and "[wishes] him all the very best" in the role:
"Grant Feely looks like a perfect Luke Skywalker and I am wishing him all the very best!

From One Luke to Another
If there was one stamp of approval Grant Feely should feel good about receiving in his take on Luke, Mark Hamill's is a good one to have. It is always a tricky situation when a new actor is hired to take on a classic character. especially one as highly regarded as Luke Skywalker.
However, Feely does have the luck that this is a significantly younger Luke. By the time fans see Hamill's hero in A New Hope, Feely's version of the character is long grown up. All the young actor really needs to do is embody what a younger Luke Skywalker would be in whatever (supposed) brief time he sees in Obi-Wan.
And maybe this opens the door for Lucasfilm to explore recasting these classic characters even more. Despite having done some of this with Han Solo for Solo: A Star Wars Story, a contingent of fans has been wondering when another of these classic recasts would happen in the franchise, particularly with Luke.
In recent years, Star Wars has started to bring back a young version of Luke in the Mando-verse (The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett). However, instead of bringing in a brand-new actor for these appearances, it was Hamill's face mapped onto a physical performer.
Well, maybe a young Luke showing up in Kenobi could push Lucasfilm to officially cast a new actor as Luke for future projects (looking at you, Sebastian Stan).
The first episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi hits Disney+ on May 25.