Loki has major on-screen implications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but its off-screen potential is even more consequential.
The series was announced to be debuting in June earlier this year, meaning that it would leave Marvel fans with a lengthy gap in new streaming content on Disney+. The trickster hit fans with another unexpected twist last month when Tom Hiddleston himself declared "Wednesdays are the new Fridays," officially pivoting Loki to a mid-week drop.
With risks like that, executive eyes have been laser-focused on Loki's premiere numbers. Fortunately for Disney, viewers' eyes have been on Loki as well.

The God of Mischief has done it again.
Disney CEO Bob Chapek revealed today that the first episode of the Tom Hiddleston-starring Loki was the most-watched series premiere on Disney+ in its opening week, as noted by Laughing Place.
The series was already confirmed to have beaten out WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier's premiere-day numbers, but this news puts it as the most successful opening week series premiere across the Disney+ board.
For anyone that pays attention to the numbers, Loki’s record-shattering premiere comes at no surprise.
WandaVision stood high on the Disney+ viewership mountain when it debuted. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier took the opening weekend crown when it hit the streaming service. Now, Loki has passed both of its Marvel predecessors.
The most impressive statistic here is that Loki is actually the most-viewed premiere across the Disney+ original content library as a whole. While everyone knows the MCU is the house of mouse's crown jewel, Disney has absolute entertainment giants in its arsenal. Chapek's quote means that this story about a rogue Asgardian working with the time-travel police debuted to higher opening week numbers than the stage film of Hamilton, Pixar's Soul, and Star Wars' The Mandalorian.
Beyond that, Loki proves that Wednesdays are indeed the new Fridays. Considering the massive viewership this show did in its opening week, Disney may be more inclined to try more weekdays for their weekly drops in the future. Ms. Marvel Mondays anyone?
All that aside, there's one takeaway that stands above the rest: absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Tom Hiddleston's solo series had the risky release date of June 9, six weeks after The Falcon and the Winter Soldier concluded. Seeing that Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan's team-up show eclipsed WandaVision in numerous viewership records, there was reason to believe waiting over a month for the next Marvel property would significantly stall their momentum. This new record says the complete opposite.
Going on a brief off-season only made fans hungrier for the MCU's return. Funny enough, Loki's June drop seemingly only came to avoid conflicting with Black Widow when it was scheduled to hit theaters last May. Just like Star Wars accidentally found a diamond in December release dates after Harrison Ford's leg injury on the set of The Force Awakens forced it to delay, Marvel Studios might have just come across a fantastic formula when it comes to streaming shows' roll-outs.
Loki airs every Wednesday, streaming exclusively on Disney+.
MCU Writer, Editor, Podcaster