As Marvel Studios dives deep into its preparations for Phase 4 and beyond, the casting department has more work ahead of them than ever before with possibly dozens of new characters in need of stars to play them. Thankfully, there is never any kind of shortage of those actors in Hollywood, many of whom have spoken openly and honestly about their desire to join in on one of the most successful franchises in the history of movies. One of these actors recently reiterated his own wishes to join in on the fun, as he has done on numerous occasions.
In a video interview with Entertainment Tonight, longtime Hollywood icon Giancarlo Esposito spoke of how much he would love to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He gave this quote when asked if he has any kind of dream role that he would like to tackle next:
"I want to work with those guys, I put it out there all the time... What they do is fantastic, I want to do something enduring with them... I think the Marvel world would be, likely, the next step for me, and then I would step back into playing some characters who I think really did change the world with their actions."
His entire interview can be viewed below, with his comments on taking a role with Marvel Studios coming around the 9:00 mark:
Giancarlo Esposito is not the only actor in Hollywood that has wanted to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he has been one of the most discussed potential additions by both fans and critics. Having worked with Marvel executive producer Louis D'Esposito before and having spoken to him a number of times about joining the MCU, it's seeming more and more likely that it's just a matter of time before fans hear a new casting announcement that includes Esposito's name.
Esposito already has quite the history with both the Walt Disney Company and other superhero productions over the last few years. Taking on roles in projects like The Jungle Book, The Mandalorian, and even voicing Lex Luthor in the new animated Harley Quinn series, he certainly has the resume to take on almost any role he wants with Marvel. Fans have wanted to see him in some kind of villainous role over the past few years, especially after his time on Breaking Bad, but it will be exciting to see if and when he does join up with Marvel and which role he ends up tackling.