Viewers of Discovery's new four-part docuseries Six Schizophrenic Brothers have been left wondering where the titular Galvin family is now in 2024.
Six Schizophrenic Brothers recounts the tale of the Galvin family as Don and Mimi Galvin birthed 12 children, six of whom suffer from schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health condition that leads those suffering to see, hear, or believe things that are not real.
Where Is the Galvin Family in 2024?

As detailed on the official Galvin Family Trust website, today, only two of the Galvin brothers are still alive - Donald and Matthew.
Three of the six Galvin brothers affected by schizophrenia passed away prematurely in Brian, Jim, and Joseph, with two of the deaths being linked to the medications used to treat their conditions.
The profile states that Donald Galvin is "quiet and reserved" these days. The family noted his love for car rides, McDonald's cheeseburgers and filet-o-fish, and trips to the ballet, opera, symphony, or theater.
It added how he often sits quietly and avoids interjecting in conversations, noting how he is "friendly and very well-mannered." The family trust also noted how he can become very talkative but it will often be "hard to follow his logic."
Peter was tragically the last of the brothers to pass, having died in his sleep on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, in his sleep, just a month before his 63rd birthday.
The site noted how he was a musical man with a love for playing the record, the Beatles, and getting together with his family. He enjoyed attending hockey games at Colorado College and the Air Force Academy.
Matt (who is still alive) is also a musical fan, as he is pictured on the family trust website with his flute and acoustic guitar.
The site noted a major transition he went through in 2020 in moving from living independently in a Section 8 apartment (housing for low-income households) to a skilled nursing facility after several months of hospitalization.
While both the Galvin parents, Don and Mimi, have passed away, their two daughters who do not suffer from schizophrenia are still alive in Margaret Galvin Johnson and Lindsay Galvin Rauch - both of which are in their 50s.
Six Schizophrenic Brothers is streaming now on Max and Discovery+.