Star Wars is about to take a dive into uncharted waters for the franchise.
On September 22, 2021, Star Wars: Visions will debut on Disney+, venturing into the world of Japanese anime. The anthology series will see seven of the biggest anime studios tackle the galaxy far, far away, taking on nine original stories that are separate from the canon that Lucasfilm built.
Not much is known as to what will actually transpire in each of these episodes; however, a brief trailer showcasing the different art styles of each installment offered some hints as to what viewers can expect. Pairing that teaser with the superb voice cast that has been revealed and a painterly poster from Lucasfilm, the Lucasian faithful can rest assured that Visions has the potential to be something special.
Now, less than a week until all nine episodes of the series drop on Disney+, fans finally have a bit more information on what is in store for the project.
Meeting the Villains of Visions
On the official Star Wars website, Star Wars: Visions co-executive producer Justin Leach revealed the names and some information on a few of the villains that will appear across the series' nine episodes.
One villain of particular note is an Inquisitor under the employ of Darth Vader. The Jedi-hunting antagonist is set to appear in the episode entitled "T0-B1", designed by famed animator Takafumi Hori (of Kill La Kill and Samurai Shamploo fame). An early look at this Inquisitor can be found below:

Other villains set to appear in Visions include a Sith-like elder swordsman, a dark side twin sister, and a dastardly Sith bandit assassin (see below).

Inquisitors, Assassins, and Dark Side Sympathizers
This is an interesting look at what audiences can expect when Star Wars: Visions finally becomes reality on Disney+.
Something to immediately note from the look at all these antagonists is the drastically different art styles that will be present from episode to episode in this project. While this has been showcased in trailers and marketing materials, this is just another example of just how different things are going to look in each Visions installment.
It is also quite exciting that viewers will be introduced to yet another of Darth Vader's Inquisitors. This team of Sith warriors was put together sometime after Order 66, serving as Vader's personal Jedi-hunting death squad.
Though the Inquisitor that will show up in Visions won't be a part of the greater canon, fans will get the chance to maybe see bits/notes of these characters that could potentially make their way into the mainline series. It may not be the exact character showing up down the line but one inspired by this specific Visions villain.
Star Wars: Visions debuts on Disney+ on September 22, 2021.