James Gunn Teases Chris Pratt's New DC Role: 6 Characters He Could Play

So if Chris Pratt joined the DCU, who might he bring to life?

By Russ Milheim Updated:
Chris Pratt DC Universe Booster Gold Green Lantern

Just the other day, DC Studios co-lead James Gunn shared his confidence that "[his] family" from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise would likely all eventually become part of his upcoming DCU plans. 

Alongside names such as Dave Bautista and Zoe Saldana, this also includes Chris Pratt, who is known to be a part of more than a few franchises—Guardians of the Galaxy, The LEGO Movie, Jurassic World, Super Mario Bros., and more.

If the actor were to bring to life a DC Comics character, who exactly would get the honor?

Green Lantern

Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan
DC Comics

Green Lantern is one of the biggest DC Comics characters who still hasn’t been given their proper time to shine, having been completely shunned by Zack Snyder’s previous projects.

James Gunn previously assured that the hero is on his radar, and lucky for him, his long-time friend Chris Pratt could play a handful of them.

The most obvious pick of the bunch would be Guy Gardner. The wise-cracking, extremely abrasive, and arrogant galactic hero would fit Pratt’s rapport perfectly.

Though, he could also bring to life Hal Jordan, the man who’s been the most famous ring-bearer of them all. Stepping into Jordan’s shoes could also give Pratt the potential ability to get a little villainous if the DCU adopts the hero’s brief fall from grace.

With Gunn loving his lesser-knowns, another possibility for Pratt could be Alan Scott. Though, it’s worth noting that Scott is technically not a Green Lantern, and his convoluted history might not be the best to start off the franchise with.

Reverse Flash (Eobard Thawn)

Reverse Flash
DC Comics

Reverse Flash marks the first villain on this list and is one many would consider an unconventional pick for Pratt.

Eobard Thawne is the quintessential Flash villain and has been Barry’s rival since the beginning. Summed up as a fanboy gone wrong, the theatrical and straight-up psychopathic speedster would give Pratt the ability to turn all his charm and personality into some far more sinister than endearing.

While the villain has played a large role in the soon-to-be-ending CW series The Flash series, he’s too big of a figure in the hero’s mythology to ignore for long. Even Ezra Miller’s upcoming movie won't be including the hero’s arch-nemesis, leaving the door wide open for Gunn to give Reverse Flash a bold new introduction.

For those tired of seeing Chris Pratt in their movies, maybe a drastic shift in his usual chosen roles would go a long way for audiences.

Green Arrow

Green Arrow
DC Comics

James Gunn recently confirmed that Green Arrow is still one of his favorite superheroes, even admitting how “[he] dressed up as him as a kid all the time.”

Who better to cast for one of his most beloved characters than Chris Pratt, a close collaborator for a decade now?

Pratt also has the look, action-hero prowess, and comedic chops to nail Oliver Queen. No doubt his take on the character would be far different than what Stephen Amell was doing for years.

Though, if Gunn is doing something with the character, that previously in-development Black Canary film could be dead in the water.

Booster Gold

Booster Gold
DC Comics

Many feel Booster Gold is the best pick for Chris Pratt when it comes to his DCU prospects.

All of the actor’s role’s usual quirks are present, and he’d feel right at home bringing the time-traveling do-gooder to life.

Gunn would even have some dubious morality to toy around with, with Gold having a secret criminal history he keeps hidden from those in the past.

Booster Gold could start being teased for the DCU as soon as this year’s Blue Beetle. Though, it is Ted Kord’s version of the hero who has a friendship with the time-traveler, not Jamie Reyes, who is the leading character.

Though, it is worth pointing out that one valid reason against Pratt playing the character is how Booster Gold tends to be a younger guy in his twenties.

Adam Strange

Adam Strange
DC Comics

Recently, James Gunn praised Tom King’s recent run of Strange Adventures, which suggests that the property is certainly on the filmmaker’s mind at the very least.

Given that Gunn loves his fringe characters, Strange would be a perfect choice for the DCU.

The connection to Pratt is easy to make, after all. Adam Strange is a man from Earth who accidentally gets teleported to an alien planet, where he soon begins superhero-ing—as one does.

Though, that same reason might be one Gunn utilizes to keep Pratt away from the role. Similarity to the actor’s last role as Star-Lord might be something he wants to avoid.

Captain Cold

Captain Cold
DC Comics

One thing that makes this bad guy so unique is how, unlike the many speedster villains in Flash’s rogue gallery, Leonard Snart is the antithesis of them all. He’s a cold and calculating criminal who also happens to have a genius intellect.

While Reverse Flash would let Pratt harness his comedic talent in a malicious context, Cold would give the actor the opportunity to play a far different role than he has before. Thawne generally goes for theatrics, but Captain Cold is a little more straight-edge.

He’s not just outright evil either—he lives by a code, despite his criminal activity, to never kill anyone.

Pratt could even find himself the leader of a ragtag group of individuals once again if Gunn decides to assemble the Rogues, a villainous group led by Snart.

BONUS: Condiment King

Condiment King
DC Comics

While the character is a joke, this honorable mention is not. Condiment Man perfectly fits Gunn’s tendency to spotlight bottom-tier unknowns and would be casting similar to what the director pulled off for The Suicide Squad.

Pratt could have fun with him for just a few scenes like Nathan Fillion did with TDK.

Given the villain’s ridiculous nature, being a disgraced comedian brains-washed by the Joker, Pratt could find his comedic chops perfectly tuned for such a role.

However, for a more notable, long-term role, there are better choices.

Chris Pratt's Cinematic Universe Future

It is important to note that while Gunn may have clearly hinted at Chris Pratt joining the DCU, he is still part of the MCU.

Not only does he still have The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 this summer, but he’s likely to return for more at some point down the line. It would be hard to believe that Star-Lord would sit out from both Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars.

That certainly doesn’t mean he can’t play in both sandboxes, however. In fact, at this point, it’s more an inevitability than a possibility.

Vol. 3 hits theaters on May 5.

- About The Author: Russ Milheim
Russ Milheim is the Industry Relations Coordinator at The Direct. On top of utilizing his expertise on the many corners of today’s entertainment to cover the latest news and theories, he establishes and maintains communication and relations between the outlet and the many studio and talent representatives.