It's been rumored since last year that another iteration of the Joker would be introduced in Matt Reeves' Batman trilogy. It isn't too hard to believe since it seems like even James Gunn had the opportunity to include the Joker in The Suicide Squad. So, it doesn't seem like Warner Bros. is married to the idea of Jared Leto returning as the Joker, especially after his non-appearance in Birds of Prey.
Plans for a sequel to Joker with Todd Phillips returning to write the script with Joaquin Phoenix saying that more could be explored with the character of Arthur Fleck. Some fans even excitedly began fan-casting Kristen Stewart as the Joker to star opposite her former co-star Robert Pattinson.
However, one recent bit of speculation and rumor online has been Barry Keoghan potentially having a role in Matt Reeves' The Batman and that it will be the Joker. This rumor has been contested by numerous other entertainment scoopers saying that, while he is indeed in the film, he won't be playing the Joker.
But, that hasn't stopped people like Barry Keoghan's brother from perpetuating the idea.
Is Barry Keoghan The Batman's New Joker?

On Facebook, the brother of Barry Keoghan, Eric Keoghan, posted in reaction to fanart of his brother as the Joker, "So it's finally out My Brother playing the JOKER in the new Batman Unreal Stuff."
A Brother Joking Around
It is almost certain that Barry Keoghan's brother is joking around and not seriously outing his brother as the arch-enemy of Batman. It helps solidify that Keoghan definitely won't be playing the famed Clown Prince of Crime in Matt Reeves' superhero film.
Hopefully, whatever role Keoghan will be playing, he sticks around, as he's been out of the stand-out parts in the recent Eternals with fans. So, it'd be nice for DC audiences to have their share of Keoghan.
Fans will find out for sure who Keoghan will be playing when they see The Batman in theaters on March 4, 2022.