Balerion the Black Dread has not been featured in the flesh in House of the Dragon, but the legendary dragon still makes an impact on the show and was one of the biggest symbols of power for the Targaryen dynasty.
Although he has not been explored much in House of the Dragon, George R.R. Martin's Fire & Blood novel (the source material for House of the Dragon) fleshes out Balerion fully, from when he was first ridden to Westeros until he died.
Who Rode Balerion the Black Dread?

According to Viserys I Targaryen in House of the Dragon Season 1, Balerion (also known as The Black Dread) was "the last living creature to have seen Old Valyria before the Doom."
For reference, Vhagar, who is the largest and oldest living dragon in House of the Dragon, was born on Dragonstone and never saw Valyria.
It is important to remember that the specific line of dragons shown in House of the Dragon originated from Old Valyria, so it is rather significant that he was able to see both Westeros and Old Valyria during the height of each's power.
Balerion's first and most significant rider was Aegon the Conqueror himself (pictured above), who is perhaps the most important Targaryen in history.
Aegon first claimed Balerion before he married his two sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, and rode the beast as he conquered all of the Seven Kingdoms.
One of the most notable victories Aegon had (thanks to Balerion) was Harrenhal, which, according to Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones, could have withstood a siege from one million men. However, because of Balerion, the castle fell rather quickly.
Aegon the Conqueror rode Balerion throughout the rest of his life, but the dragon did not remain riderless just because Aegon died.
Aegon's younger son, Maegor (also known as Maegor the Cruel), then claimed Balerion and rode him until his death. During his life, though, Maegor used Balerion as a monstrous weapon just like Aegon the Conqueror did.
After Maegor the Cruel died, Princess Aerea Targaryen claimed Balerion while the dragon was on Dragonstone. Aerea only lived for two more years after she claimed Balerion, but while she was alive, she and Balerion disappeared and were nowhere to be found until they returned to King's Landing one day with Aerea extremely ill.
After Aerea died, Balerion remained riderless for almost 40 years due to his old age. However, Viserys I Targaryen did end up claiming him, becoming Balerion's last rider.
Viserys I took Balerion on his last ride, and the dragon died of old age not even a year after Viserys claimed him.
When Balerion the Black Dread died, he was at least 208 years old, but it is possible that he was even older. For reference, Vhagar is around 180 years old in House of the Dragon, so fans can imagine how big Balerion was at the time of his death since dragons never stop growing.
Will Balerion Ever Be Shown On-Screen?

Balerion the Black Dread has technically appeared in House of the Dragon, but not in the same way the rest of the dragons have.
In Season 1, Balerion's skull was seen in King's Landing, propped up and surrounded by candles.
According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, a spin-off show centered around Aegon the Conqueror and his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms is in the works at HBO.
If the series does not get canceled, Balerion will undoubtedly be featured heavily in that show, meaning that fans will be able to see him on-screen in full for the first time.
It is important to note, though, that, at the time that show will take place on the timeline, Balerion will not be as old as Vhagar is in House of the Dragon, so Balerion won't be as big in that show as Vhagar is in House of the Dragon.
However, fans will still be excited to see the most influential and arguably the most powerful dragon in the history of Westeros on-screen.
House of the Dragon is available to stream on Max, and new episodes are released every Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO and Max.
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