It's hard to believe, but it's now almost been two whole years since Avengers: Endgame . While the film may have dropped from the top-grossing film of all time , it still remains a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It's certainly one that isn't easy to forget about.
One of the stand-out elements of the film, among dozens and dozens of them, is the role of Scott Lang. Played by Paul Rudd, Ant-Man took on one of his biggest roles yet: the savior of half of the entire universe. It was certainly a step up from the last time fans saw him.
Now, on Paul Rudd's birthday, Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo was ready to celebrate by sharing a neat photo with the world...

In an Instagram post for Paul Rudd's birthday, Mark Ruffalo shared a never-before-seen image of Rudd in full costume and wearing Iron Man's Nano Gaunlet.
In the caption, Ruffalo joked about finding "the secret behind your [Rudd's] eternal youth."
The full post can be seen below:

Within Avengers: Endgame , there are only three characters that audiences see wear the Nano Gaunlet that Tony creates to his use the six Infinity Stones. Those people were Bruce, Thanos, and Tony. It's always fun to think about who else could have wielded it in any of those moments.
Thor was obviously one of the main choices to snap everyone back, being a god and all–something even he was vocal of. But, could audiences ever have seen Ant-Man take on that task? The answer is likely no, no matter how entertaining the thought is. To be fair, the man already did most of the heavy lifting to get to where they were.
It's also fun to note every time this Nano Gauntlet prop comes up, the design is completely different from that which fans saw in the final film. Here, it has more gray elements, whereas in the film, the Gauntlet is mostly hot rod red–not to mention far sleeker.
While many might think this is from a cut idea that didn't make the film, it's far more likely that it was simply Rudd messing around. Rudd isn't the only jokester on the cast, so who knows who else might have tried it on. Fingers crossed that those photos make it online one day as well.