Warning — This article contains spoilers for The Mandalorian Season 2
Most Star Wars fans are at least aware that the Disney+ mega hit streaming series The Mandalorian's second season has now confirmed. The show's season two finale was jam-packed with just about everything that makes Star Wars so great (Including an appearance by one particular legendary Jedi Knight.)
But for those who stuck around until after the episode's closing credits, they would know that the show also dropped a teaser for something called The Book of Boba Fett. The post-credits stinger showed Fett and his associate Fennec Shand breaking into Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tatooine, now run by Bib Fortuna. After blasting everything in sight, including Fortuna himself, Boba took his place on the throne where Jabba once sat.
The implication here is that whatever this Book of Boba Fett ends up being (it's likely a miniseries), it will tell the continuing adventures of the fearsome bounty hunter and maybe even fill in some of the gaps in his backstory along the way.
The in-episode teaser concluded with the date of December, 2021, which is of course the same timeframe given for Mando season three during Disney's Investor Day presentation. Fans were left scratching their heads wondering how the Fett series affects The Mandalorian, or even if it will somehow take its place.
Lucasfilm concept designer Paul Bateman recently took to Twitter to clarify the distinction between The Mandalorian season three and The Book of Boba Fett. Bateman stated that they are "two different shows" and promised that fans will be "getting both."
Bateman later added that Mando Season 3 and the Boba Fett spinoff have two different production timelines:
However, soon after, Bateman deleted his first Tweet and posted clarification that he "doesn't officially represent Lucasfilm." He then elaborated, saying that, as he understands it, The Mandalorian Season 3 and The Book of Boba Fett will be "potentially releasing around the same date."
As I understand it - #thebookofbobafett and #TheMandalorian Season 3 have differing shooting schedules, despite potentially releasing around the same date, in addition Pedro Pascal has confirmed he's signed aboard for the third season, consequently....
Fans should be able to rest easy after seeing someone affiliated with Lucasfilm explicitly state that The Mandlorian's third season won't be disrupted by The Book of Boba Fett. After all, Mando is their golden goose and there's little chance they would pabandon it in favor of another series.
Now, this raises another important question: Will Disney+ have two Star Wars series premiering at the same time? A case could certainly be made for this occurring. Not to mention that if Disney is willing to have two Star Wars show running simultaneously, would this also be dropping a hint for the crowded 2021 MCU slate on the platform?
Whatever the case may be, fans are unlikely to complain. After all, the more Star Wars the better (as long as the quality stays steady)!