The cast of The Curse of Oak Island is back for Season 12, following a crew of real people and treasure hunters looking to uncover the secrets of this real-world locale.
Since the reality series' inception, the hit History Channel show has centered on Rick Lagina and his crew, as they hunt for treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Curse of Oak Island Season 11 ended in tragedy. After a shocking flood, some of the crew's progress was revealed to have been washed away, perhaps dooming their research forever.
Meet the Cast of Curse of Oak Island Season 12
Rick Lagina

- Instagram: @richardgeorgelagina0
Yet again serving as the driving force of the Oak Island investigation is Rick Lagina. Lagina started the project after reading about potential treasures hidden on the island back in 1995.
He would eventually go on to purchase most of Oak Island with his brother Marty in 2006, before starting the History Channel series in 2014. During their time working on the island, Lagina and his fellow researchers have stopped at nothing to perhaps one day find the location's secret money pit.
Season 12 sees Rick and co. picking up the pieces after a devastating flood that ended Season 11. Hopefully, the team did not lose too much progress and can jump back in without too much of a setback.
Marty Lagina

Marty Lagina is the younger brother of Oak Island lead Rick Lagina and one of the key pieces in the continued search for uncovering the island's secrets.
Marty and Rick bought Oak Island back in 2006, hoping to pursue their quest to uncover its secrets, starting to document the project with the hit TV series in 2014.
Marty is a certified diver, which has come in handy in the waters surrounding Oak Island, as well as in his spin-off series The Curse of Civil War Gold. He also owns a vineyard in his hometown of Traverse City, Michigan.
Craig Tester

- Instagram: @craig.tester1
Another member of the core Oak Island crew is Craig Tester. Tester has worked alongside the Laginas since the beginning, being a key financial partner for Rick and Marty on their treasure-hunting quest.
Craig is also a working engineer, putting his keen intellect to use on many of the Oak Island projects.
Gary Drayton

- Instagram: @gary.drayton
After joining the series back in Season 2, Gary Drayton officially became a full-fledged Curse of Oak Island cast member in Season 5 and has been a part of the team ever since.
Gary is a metal-detecting expert from Florida, who comes to Oak Island to help the team, hopefully, find the storied gold harvest hidden on its shores.
Alex Lagina

- Instagram: @alexlagina
Alex Lagina is Marty's middle-aged son, who joins his father and uncle on the quest to cover the secrets of the storied Oak Island.
Like his father, Alex is a certified diver and is one of the focuses of the Curse of Civil War Gold spin-off series.
Jack Begley

Every project like that taking place on Oak Island needs someone always ready to get their hands dirty, and Jack Begley is this series' man of the job.
Jack is Craig Tester's stepson who is often seen doing some of the more undesirable jobs like manual digging, testing spoils from various shafts, and even wandering through the island's many swamps.
Tom Nolan

Tom Nolan joined the series in Season 7 after making a brief appearance back Season 5 before officially joining the cast several years later.
Tom is the son of Season 3 cast member Fred Nolan, a surveyor who previously owned Oak Island and had spent much of his life searching for its secrets until his death in 2016.
Dr. Ian Spooner

- X: @IanSpooner2
One of the recurring characters of Curse of Oak Island is university professor Dr. Ian Spooner. Spooner arrived on the scene starting in Season 7 as a geology expert specializing in wetlands like that of the series' titular landmass.
Outside of the series, Spooner spends his days working as a professor of Earth and environmental science at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Laird Niven

- Instagram: @lniven
Laird Niven has provided government oversight on the Oak Island project since his first appearance in Season 5.
Laird is a local archaeologist who is brought in at the request of the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, and Heritage to oversee the research endeavor and report back to the provincial government.
Billy Gerhardt

Having been a part of the series since Season 4, Billy Gerhardt had proven his worth to the Oak Island team.
Billy is a heavy equipment operator who works on most of the team's digging projects across the island.
The Curse of Oak Island Season 12 continues on History Channel with new episodes every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET.