Many MCU fans know the deal by now, regarding the debates surrounding whether or not the live-action series produced by Marvel Television are officially apart of the MCU canon. One of the more popular series, Daredevil aired three seasons on Netflix before it was abruptly canceled. Now, with Daredevil's own Vincent D'Onofrio set to reprise his role as Wilson Fisk in the upcoming finale episode of Hawkeye, many fans are scratching their heads over whether or not D'Onofrio is playing the same version of the character that he originated on Netflix.
At the same time, the Hawkeye finale has so much going on already. Hawkeye directors have stepped in to clear things up, or perhaps make things even more confusing.
Is Netflix's Daredevil MCU Canon Thanks to Hawkeye?

Speaking to Insider, the directing duo on Marvel Studios' Hawkeye, Bert and Bertie fielded some queries on the sixth and final episode of the show.
Firstly, commenting on the initial twist that Eleanor Bishop is indeed working with Wilson Fisk, Bert said that "it was an interesting twist that she was there in the room with Kingpin, the possibilities are endless."
Berite also remarked on the way that Kingpin was revealed to audiences:
"We kinda loved that it was this grainy, grainy impression of him and just confirms everyone's suspicions because there have been lots of theories and that one's been the outstanding theory about who this was. It's Marvel. There've been different iterations of how Kingpin was revealed and this is the one that served the story, to hold him back to the very end of five."
But when asked point-blank if Kingpin is the same one that fans are familiar with from Daredevil, the duo deftly sidestepped the question: "Tune in on Wednesday for episode six."
The two directors, however, encouraged fans to keep making guesses, "Keep the theories going. We love every single one and we love avoiding every single question about it."
The Kingpin Is Preparing To Make His Move
So, obviously, Bert and Bertie weren't able to respond directly to any specific questions about Episode 6, especially when it comes to Fisk's involvement.
That being said, if the character is portrayed similarly to how he was depicted in Daredevil, he'll be an absolute force to be reckoned with. D'Onofrio brought a good deal of dimension to his portrayal of Wilson Fisk previously, and the version fans meet in Hawkeye could either be quiet and dignified, creepily off-kilter, or completely terrifying. Or, all of the above.
Clint and Kate are going to have their hands full.
Fans will be able to see how it all goes down in Episode 6 of Marvel Studios' Hawkeye, when it debuts on Disney+, Wednesday, December 22, 2021.