The Guardians of the Galaxy are in for an extended run of prominence over the next couple of years both in theaters and on Disney+, featuring everyone from Chris Pratt's Star-Lord to Vin Diesel's Groot. Diesel, in particular, has a busy schedule for Phase 4, as he will likely have as many as four new credits under his belt as Groot within the next year and a half.
Audiences last saw the fan-favorite humanoid plant flying off Earth with the Guardians and Thor on the Benetar after defeating Thanos at the decimated Avengers Compound on Earth in Avengers: Endgame. While Groot's specific journey with the team in Phase 4 is a mystery, there will be no shortage of fun and snarkiness coming from the adolescent alien as he grows further into adulthood.
While Diesel only has variations of one core line to contribute to his MCU role, he will have plenty of work ahead of him to help Groot continue his MCU journey through 2022 and 2023. Recently, the actor teased part of that work in his return to the recording booth with an inside look into his process for the MCU fan base.
Vin Diesel Recording More Groot for Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy star Vin Diesel took to Instagram to share a video selfie of himself preparing to record his work as Groot for an upcoming Marvel Studios project.
The actor reunited with sound engineer Doc Kane to record his work for Groot after working with Kane for more than 20 years on other projects such as Iron Giant. Diesel didn't give any specifics on what he's recording for the MCU, only revealing that "we're doing Groot:"
Vin Diesel: Here with my friend Doc, who has been working with me for many, many many years. What’s the first thing we ever did, Doc?
Doc Kane: Iron Giant!
Vin Diesel: Iron Giant. He actually recorded me doing the voice for Iron Giant. And now, we’re doing Groot.
I Am Groot
Vin Diesel has made Groot one of the defining roles of his extensive career, even for it being a role that doesn't require him to leave the voiceover booth. With four previous MCU movies under his belt, along with contributions to Groot's role in various MCU-adjacent projects such as Disneyland rides, it appears that the action star is far from done for now.
The big question with this post - for which project is he recording new material as Groot?
With Thor: Love and Thunder only half a year away from its debut, Diesel's work for Groot's next appearance is most likely done or close to being done. However, the fan-favorite Guardian won't be seen again after that until possibly as late as December with the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special if the animated I Am Groot isn't on Disney+ before that time.
Considering how little information Diesel provided in this short video update, it's hard to tell which movie or Disney+ entry he's taking on in his latest recording session. Regardless, it's clear that there will be plenty of "I Am Groot" lines for him to record as his intergalactic team of misfits prepares to take over Phase 4 of the MCU.
Vin Diesel's next appearance as Groot will come in Thor: Love and Thunder, which is set to release in theaters on July 8, 2022.