Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was released this past December to a worldwide box office total surpassing $1 billion, but with divided response from fans and critics alike. Fans of the Skywalker Saga finale will soon have a chance to bring the film home, with a digital release set for March 17, and a Blu-ray/4K release set for March 31.
In honor of the upcoming digital and Blu-ray/4K releases this month, BuzzFeed has released 12 new behind-the-scenes photos from the making of the movie, courtesy of Lucasfilm. The photos can be found below, portraying a variety of the film's cast and crew at work!
Director J.J. Abrams discusses a scene with Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian) on the set of the Resistance base in The Rise of Skywalker.
Domhnall Gleeson (General Hux) and Richard E. Grant (General Pryde) on
The Rise of Skywalker
's Mustafar set.
Oscar Isaac (Poe) and John Boyega (Finn) share a laugh behind the scenes of
The Rise of Skywalker
Director J.J. Abrams provides instruction to Daisy Ridley as "Empress" Rey on the Exegol set.
Daisy Ridley prepares to pilot an X-wing as Rey to speed toward the film's climactic showdown.
Director J.J. Abrams with John Boyega (Finn), Oscar Isaac (Poe), and Daisy Ridley (Rey) on location in Jordan to film the Pasaana sequences.
Daisy Ridley (Rey) on location in Jordan to film the Pasaana sequences.
A crew member puppets the vexis snake during the Pasaana sequences.
Director J.J. Abrams with actor Warwick Davis on the set of
The Rise of Skywalker.
Director J.J. Abrams with Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) on the Death Star wreckage set.
J.J. Abrams with D-O, the droid he also provided a voice for in
The Rise of Skywalker
J.J. Abrams with Joonas Suotamo (Chewbacca), showcasing footage from set.
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