Director Zack Snyder has already discussed in length how he differentiates both the DC and Marvel universes . He has even praised the extensive work that has been done by Marvel Studios over the years as it built up its universe.
However, Snyder said that DC should attempt to try being like them due to Marvel having such a huge head start building their universe, but also because of Warner Bros. having multiple television shows based on DC heroes still going, too.
In a new interview, Snyder was asked again about Marvel and gave praise to its films, but also addressed why he'll never make movies like them.
Speaking with The New York Times while promoting his upcoming cut of Justice League , director Zack Snyder was asked about superhero competitor Marvel Studios and if it had any effect on his DC movies.
When asked whether Snyder had intentionally framed the DC heroes as grander and more epic to contrast from how Marvel portrayed its heroes, Snyder said that when they were making Man of Steel , he knew that “Marvel is doing something else:”
“They’re doing, at the highest level, this popular action-comedy with a heart. And they have that nailed. An effort to duplicate that is insanity because they’re so good at it. What DC had was mythology at an epic level, and we were going to take them on this amazing journey.”
Although Snyder ended his answer by stating “Frankly, I was the only one saying that.”
When pressed further, Snyder was asked whether he would want to make more movies like Marvel Studios but denied such a suggestion:
“No, not at all. I don’t know how to hit a ball any different than I hit it. A director has one skill — your point of view. That’s all you have. If you’re trying to imitate another way of making a movie, then you’re on a slippery slope.”
It's sad to see that it seemed like Zack Snyder was one of the few at Warner Bros. not wanting to imitate what Marvel Studios was doing, knowing that they couldn't match it.
There is no better example of this than executives having hired director Joss Whedon of Avengers to reshoot and finish Justice League . This is not to mention that Warner Bros. seemingly completely abandoned Snyder's original plan for the franchise.
Executives at Warner Bros. have learned some lessons from all of this for their future projects. Hopefully, they won't be trying to play catch up with Marvel Studios or replicate their current tone of films, which, as Snyder said, is “An effort to duplicate that is insanity because they’re so good at it.”