As the end of the year draws near, it's finally time to get ready for some new MCU content.
2020 was the first year in over a decade that no new MCU content was released, as every project on Marvel Studios' queue was put on pause as the world began to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. Obviously, that was a huge bummer, but it set up a jam-packed 2021 schedule of MCU films and TV series that will keep fans plenty occupied.
The release order of the MCU's Phase 4 shifted around a bit as Marvel Studios did their best to meet fans' high expectations. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was supposed to be the first MCU Disney+ series that would be released, but WandaVision has since taken over the Phase 4 opening slot. Releasing January 15, something magical is in the air again as fans approach the first MCU release since July 2019.
But is the anticipation for WandaVision genuine, or will fans just take anything they can get after an MCU drought that lasted almost 18 months?
With just a couple of weeks left until WandaVision's release, director Matt Shakman has finally shared some insight on how excited fans should be about the first Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 installment, and how he's handling the pressure of getting the MCU back on track.
In an interview with SFX Magazine, WandaVision director Matt Shakman got real about how he handles the excitement and angst that comes with the job - specifically the job of putting together what will be the "first Marvel MCU property to come out since Endgame" (besides the MCU/Sony collaboration Spider-Man: Far From Home, of course).
Shakman first had to give credit to the "incredible" Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige, saying Feige has been "the best sort of champion for this project, and also the best source of wisdom and guidance" during their creation of WandaVision.
"Kevin Feige is incredible. He's been just the best sort of champion for this project, and also the best source of wisdom and guidance. The show beats with a love and an appreciation for the history of television, so it makes sense to be the first one out the gate, even though it wasn't planned to be that way."
Describing it as "an honor," while also admitting how "terrifying" and "surreal" it is to direct WandaVision amid a global pandemic, Shakman admitted that he "never could have fathomed" that this is where he would be in 2020.
"It's an honor, and it's terrifying. And it is surreal, like everything else [right now]. The fact that we are the first Marvel MCU property to come out since Endgame, I never could have fathomed that when we first started working on this project.
Shakman then went on to add that WandaVision is "a wonderful way to start Marvel's work in the streaming world," calling the first MCU series to hit Disney+ "a giant love letter to the history of television," and stating that WandaVision "is a perfect way for the maker of the biggest blockbusters to come to television."
"But it is a wonderful way to start Marvel's work in the streaming world. A show that is a giant love letter to the history of television is a perfect way for the maker of the biggest blockbusters to come to television."
For a man that claims to be terrified of the task he has at hand, he sure does seem confident in his MCU directorial debut. WandaVision is very clearly going to be "bonkers," to say the least. But Shakman has packed so much more into the show than just some trippy plot twists.
Calling it "a love letter to the history of television" says a lot about Shakman's appreciation for the industry, as well as his vision for the upcoming series. Comining that with Shakman's kind words about Kevin Feige's leadership, it's clear to see that Shakman understands the importance of the role he plays as Marvel Studios finally gets back into the swing of things.
Even though it wasn't planned this way, WandaVision will kick off Phase 4 of the MCU when it releases exclusively on Disney+ on January 15, 2021.