One of the things that Lucasfilm has made a distinct effort to do is create all of their new Star Wars projects to feel like George Lucas' classic original trilogy. Whether that's been consistently pulled off is up for individual debate, but the approach to the filmmaking and the merchandise that's been produced has been meant to send people back in time to the old days of the franchise.
The Mandalorian , while unique in ways that all other Star Wars projects haven't reached, has been praised for successfully invoking those nostalgic feelings by fans and critics alike. The show has reached levels of popularity that couldn't have been predicted, and products in stores are flying off the shelves. How appropriate, then, that Hasbro's latest line is giving The Mandalorian a blast from the past...
As part of this week's Mando Monday festivities , Hasbro has unveiled their The Mandalorian Retro Collection line of action figures. The characters, based on the first two seasons of the series, will release in Spring 2021 and can be seen below:
The Mandalorian

This vinyl cape is the way:

The Retro Collection's The Mandalorian is now available for preorder here .
The Child

Vintage frog is not edible:

The Retro Collection's The Child is now available for preorder here .
Cara Dune

Ready to blast some stormtroopers back to Kingdom Come:

The Retro Collection's Cara Dune is now available for preorder here .
Greef Karga

The Imps could use a lesson or two on class:

The Retro Collection's Greef Karga is now available for preorder here .

Do not self destruct:

The Retro Collection's IG-11 is now available for preorder here .

His outfit has spoken volumes:

The Retro Collection's Kuill is now available for preorder here .
Moff Gideon

Every set of heroes needs a menacing foe:

The Retro Collection's Moff Gideon is now available for preorder here .
Additionally, Hasbro pulled back the curtain on two new additions to their Vintage Collection line coming January 2021:
The Armorer

A new set of whoop-ass will be in order:

This is the way.

The Armorer is now available for preorder here .
Moff Gideon

You have something he wants:

It is more important to him than you will ever know:

Moff Gideon is now available for preorder here .
Once again, Hasbro has delivered with some really fine additions to our collections.
The Retro Collection line was a neat surprise for the 40th Anniversary of A New Hope a few years back, and was successful enough that Habsro continued it for Empire's 40th and now The Mandalorian . It's a safe bet that the original toys are part of the inspiration behind this series, making new iterations of the ughnaught and IG-88, being Kuill and IG-11 in this case, something very cool for old school collectors.
This is also the first time we've seen new characters receive the Kenner style molding since Return of the Jedi , making this wave all the more special. Mando, Cara Dune, Greef Karga and, of course, Baby Yoda, all look spectacular and feel like they belong in next to the other vintage figures. Moff Gideon looks great himself and, while missing the Darksaber, serves as a great foil for our heroes.
It wouldn't be a day to celebrate vintage style figures if there weren't new Vintage Collection figures, and Hasbro has delivered. The Armorer looks great in smaller scale and will go nicely with hero The Mandalorian counterparts. It's Moff Gideon Vintage Day, as the menace receives the Vintage Collection treatment as well and is accompanied by the legendary Darksaber, with the final shot of Season 1 being the perfect image for his cardback.
These Mando Monday reveals were great, and it's just the beginning. There will be more announcements over the next 8 weeks as The Mandalorian Season 2 drops new episodes, and our wallets will be filled with cobwebs as the holidays roll around.