Tom Holland Reveals He Cried A Lot During Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Final Days

By Russ Milheim Updated:
Spider-Man, MCU, Marvel

The arrival of Spider-Man in the MCU was one of the biggest moments in pop culture in the past decade. It was a moment that many thought would never come; but it did, and he even got to hold Captain America's shield for his debut shot.

The webhead has gone on to be an integral part of the cinematic world, having two solo films and playing a key role in three other crossover films. Thanks to Avengers: Infinity War, Peter Parker is even an Avenger.

It's hard to imagine that one day, Holland's days as Spider-Man will have to come to a close. Many might think that's years away, but could his final days be closer than anyone realizes?

Tom Holland Was an Emotional Wreck

Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland

Tom Holland was able to sit down with Entertainment Weekly and talk about his time filming Spider-Man: No Way Home.

The actor revealed that he felt particularly emotional on one of the last days of production, where he shared a scene with Zendaya and Jacob Batalon.

The details of the scene weren't elaborated on, but Holland notes that none of them knew if it was going to "be the last time working together [on the Spider-Man films]," and how it may have been "the best day [he's] ever had on set:"

"We've been making these films for five years now... we've had such an amazing relationship, the three of us. We've been with each other every step of the way. We've done every single film, every single press tour. So this one scene, [we didn't know] if this would be the last time [we were all working together]. [It] was heartbreaking but also really exciting because we're all moving into the next chapter of our careers. So sharing that moment with them was maybe the best day I've ever had on set. I don't think I've cried like that ever."

Is This The Last Spider-Man Movie? (Probably Not)

No one knows how the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home are going to play out. One thing is for sure though: there's almost no chance that this will be Holland's last outing as Spider-Man.

One possibility is that this quote from the actor could be an unintentional hint that one of Peter's best friends may not make it out of the movie alive.

Another option is that No Way Home might be the end of the first trilogy of films, and pave the way for an entirely new trilogy/saga to begin. It may also be Holland's last solo film for a while, with Spider-Man possibly going on to be an important part in other various Marvel Studios projects––much like Tony Stark did after Iron Man 3.

The actor still has at least one crossover movie left in his contract; whether that's an Avengers outing, or that confirmed meeting with Tom Hardy's Venom, there's just no way to know. It could even be all of the above.

For now, Tom Holland's next appearance will be on December 17 later this year, when Spider-Man: No Way Home hits theaters worldwide.

- In This Article: Spider-Man: No Way Home
Release Date
December 17, 2021
- About The Author: Russ Milheim
Russ Milheim is the Industry Relations Coordinator at The Direct. On top of utilizing his expertise on the many corners of today’s entertainment to cover the latest news and theories, he establishes and maintains communication and relations between the outlet and the many studio and talent representatives.