Having just passed the two-year anniversary of Avengers: Infinity War and the one-year anniversary of Avengers: Endgame , fans have been reliving some of the MCU's grandest moments, and with it, some of its grandest scores. Whether it be "Even for You" from when Thanos sacrifices Gamora for the Soul Stone in Infinity Wa r or "Portals" in Endgame when the MCU's dusted heroes return in spectacular fashion, composer Alan Silvertri has brought sound to the most pivotal moments in the MCU. Now, fans will be able to enjoy these sounds in an extra special way.
According to IGN , Mondo , a pop-culture collectible company, is releasing the soundtracks of both Infinity War and Endgame in one complete 6-vinyl set with exclusive Avengers turntable slipcovers as well. Preorder for the set goes live Wednesday, April 29, and retails for $90.
Taking a closer look at ins-and-outs of the vinyl set shows just how much MCU-related detail went into crafting it, with all of the artwork being done by Matt Taylor :
The slipcover for the set illustrates Tony Stark's infamous nano gauntlet that he used to snap away Thanos and his army during the final battle of Endgame , ultimately sacrificing himself for the entire universe.
The discs - 3 for Infinity War and 3 for Endgame - are then broken into two separate slipcovers.
The interior for the Infinity War set features an illustrated shot of Steve Rogers and Thanos' brief duel in the midst of the Wakanda battle. The vinyls themselves (left to right) are colored in the stylings of the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, and the Mind Stone.
Meanwhile, the interior for the Endgame set depicts Thanos going up against Tony Stark in a frame right before the Mad Titan realizes that the Infinity Stones are no longer in his possession. The vinyls complete the colored stone set (left to right) with the Time Stone, Space Stone, and Power Stone
The cover art for the Infinity War set features all of the movie's heroes (plus Thanos himself) in their then state, including a bearded Steve Rogers and blonde Natasha Romanoff.
Similar to the Infinity War set, the cover art for the Endgame set also features the movie's heroes and Thanos, with corners of the artwork being fractioned off to represent the different time periods visited in the film.
One slipcover included in the set is none other than Captain America's shield in comic styling.
Another slipcover is the leering smile of Thanos, also in comic styling.
Overall, the set encompasses two of the most well-known soundtracks in the MCU's long withstanding history, and marks and celebrates the end of a cinematic era for Marvel Studios.