Devara Part 1 does not make it immediately clear why Vara stabbed Devara at the end of the movie.
The Indian Telugu-language action blockbuster, starring RRR actor N.T. Rama Rao Jr. as both of the movie's central father and son duo, tells the story of an Indian man, Devara, who takes on a life as a vigilante to stop smuggling off the Indian Coast.
The movie takes place over decades, as the fear of Devara continues to drive off smugglers (including his son, Vara).
Devara Ending Explained

Devara Part 1 focuses on its titular character as he turns his back on a life of smuggling contraband to stop those who threaten the Indian coast.
Devara's legend grows over time, as he sends smugglers and criminals back to where they came from with a bloodied "X" carved into their backs.
All while this is going on, his son, Vara (who is also played N.T. Rama), comes of age and joins a smuggling crew himself. Vara is closely involved in a bit of a turning point in the movie, as his smuggler leader Bhaira devises a plan to, hopefully, take down Devara once and for all.
This sees the smuggling captain feeding Devara copious amounts of alcohol without his knowledge, to take him off his game and, perhaps, kill him during one of his crusades against the evil smugglers.
This plan does not go quite as Bhaira had envisioned though, as Devara proves no matter for them, including the cowardly Vara.
After this attack, Devara slinks into the shadows for decades, only emerging out from the fog of the Indian sea to ward off smugglers when they attempt any sort of attack.
Because of this looming threat, Bhaira's business takes a major hit. However, the film's ending sequence is centered around one last mission for the smuggling captain to maybe take out an (assumed to be) aging Devara.
Bhaira, a grown-up Vara, and the rest of the men head out into the sea to, hopefully, draw the mysterious vigilante back out again. Again though, this fails.
An unknown entity begins taking out Bhaira's men one by one, but it is not Devara.
It turns out, that Devara has been dead this entire time, having died during Bhaira's first attack on the Batman-esque figure all those years later.
Instead, his son, Vera, has been serving as their island's protector under the guise of his assumed cowardness, making him an unsuspecting target to partake in such a mission.
The movie then ends with Bhaira's men dead, and one last reveal, flashing back to a sequence in which Vara is seen stabbing his father, Devara, showing that not only did the movie's main character die long before its closing events, but it was his son that did it.
Why Did Vara Stab Devara?
The exact reason for Vara stabbing his father in Devara Part 1 is not given in the film, but that has not stopped fans from speculating wildly about it.
It is worth noting that, during this flashback sequence seen at the end of the film, fans only see Vara pulling the knife from Devara's chest. The viewer never actually sees the young man putting the knife in.
That means that there is always the chance that someone else committed the bloody crime, and the movie only picks up to see the consequences of it.
However, assuming Vara was the one behind driving a knife into his father's heart, there may have been reason for him to do so.
Some have speculated that, because Devara very clearly had become a target of evildoers like Bhaira, he asked Vara to kill him and then fill his shoes as their island's protector.
This would allow Vara to live free, with the local smugglers still thinking Devara is out there, while it was actually Vara (an unassuming coward in the eyes of everyone else) saving his fellow community members from the criminals' wrath.
That is just a theory for now though. Luckily, for fans, Devara Part 1 is exactly that, just the first part of what has been promised to be a two-part blockbuster duology.
Seeing as this stabbing revelation was the last thing planted in viewers' minds by Part 1, one can assume Part 2 will heavily focus on the motives behind what went into Vara's killing of Devara.
Devara Part 1 is now streaming on Netflix.