With The Clone Wars series having now finished its seven season run, questions have been circling around whether other animated Star Wars projects are in the works. The Clone Wars' final season has been a huge success on Disney+ with the finale airing on Star Wars Day on May the Fourth and effectively concluding the story of main characters Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex. However, it's now widely known that The Clone Wars won't be Ahsoka's final appearance as she's set to make her live action debut in The Mandalorian later this year.
The other major animated series, Star Wars Rebels, finished with four seasons in 2018, but earlier this year it was rumored that a sequel show might be in development.
With the finale of The Clone Wars having just aired this past week, executive producer Dave Filoni spoke to Deadline about the ending of the series and more about the future of Star Wars.
When asked about whether there could be another series of Star Wars Rebels, Filoni had this to say:
No. Not really. I was really happy with how that series turned out, and I feel like we got to tell a complete story there. It was one of the things that really drove me to thinking, well, it would be great to have a complete feeling like that for Clone Wars, so now to have both is really great. I think that there’s always potential for stories that involve the characters from Rebels, which is maybe a better way to put it. They’ve all earned their place in the galaxy, so to speak, so I’m sure there’s some more of them to do.
Filoni was also asked about whether there could be a new story involving Sabine Wren and the Darksaber:
Oh, I think it’s possible. I mean, it’s definitely something that I left hanging at the end and part of that reason is just it’s always nice in my mind when there’s another story. I like things in a series, even when I read or watch them, and there’s always a bit of sadness when something does come to an end, so potential is a great thing. I love that people are thinking about these stories in the same way that I wondered about many stories. As a kid I wondered what happened to Luke after Return of the Jedi and all my heroes. I think it’s a natural part of enjoying this, and I think there’s always potential for further stories. Certainly, I will say it’s something I’ve given a decent amount of thought to, so you never know when or if it will actually ever take shape.
Rebels established plenty of great characters in the Star Wars universe, many of whom fans would love to see again in some way on screen. While Filoni is light on the details, it seems that there could be plans in motion behind the scenes for these characters or storylines to make another appearance. At the ending of Rebels, Ahsoka and Sabine went together to find Ezra Bridger, leaving three unresolved storylines. Ahsoka is already set to reappear in live action, but is it possible that Sabine or Ezra could as well? Sabine was once the owner of the Darksaber, which is in the hands of Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian, so it's very likely that her fate could be brought up in season 2 along with Ahsoka's. Meanwhile, Ezra's whereabouts are a mystery and Filoni is staying quiet on his ending.
With his comments it seems Filoni is encouraging fans to speculate about the future of these characters. As a producer and close collaborater of George Lucas across the board on Star Wars projects, including on the upcoming season of The Mandalorian, Filoni has a lot of input on where these characters could be going next. And Disney has plenty of Star Wars content in development right now, so it's entirely possible that more side characters could be taking the main stage in the future.