The troubled production of 2017's Justice League is hard to forget. With original director Zack Snyder having stepped down and then replaced with Joss Whedon, the resulting film was a cobbled-together mess for most.
Not only did the film fail critically and for fans around the world, but the drama didn't stop there. Endless reports of unprofessional behavior from director Joss Whedon made the news weekly. From Ray Fisher's seemingly endless crusade against the film to Gal Gadot's reports of her career being threatened by Whedon—it seems like it wasn't a pleasant experience for most involved.
This was something made clear by Ben Affleck, whose days as the Caped Crusader were likely over. That's why everyone was taken by surprise when it was revealed the actor would reprise the role of Batman in the upcoming The Flash film.
Was this a reluctant agreement, or was the actor happy to do so? Well, no matter, Affleck now said he had a good time returning—even if the role was potentially a small one.
Ben Affleck Talks Shop About The Flash

Speaking with Variety, DCEU Batman Ben Affleck commented on his time filming scenes for the upcoming DC Comics film The Flash.
The actor mentioned that it was "really lovely" and that "[he] had a great time," especially considering that his "prior experience had been difficult:"
“It was a really nice way to revisit that as the prior experience [on Justice League] had been difficult... [The Flash] was really lovely. Really fun... I had a great time... I'm probably under some gag order that I'm not even aware that I probably just violated and I'm now going to be sued.”
Affleck couldn't help but praise Barry Allen actor Ezra Miller as well, also mentioned that he "had a chance to see Jason [Momoa]" as well:
“I love Ezra and I had a chance to see Jason [Momoa], who's over there making ‘Aquaman [and the Lost Kingdom]."
Does This Mean More Affleck for the Future?
With Affleck previously having a less-than-ideal experience during his time filming Justice League, could this mean that fans could hope for more of his Batman down the line if The Flash remedied this? It's hard to say—but things don't look great given the film is likely to end with a timeline reset akin to the comic storyline Flashpoint.
After all, fans will have Michael Keaton's return to look forward to. There are even rumors that Keaton may become the defacto Dark Knight for the DCU by the time The Flash's credits role.
Affleck certainly deserved more than what he got in the end. Many consider him to be the best live-action Batman yet, even despite him only having starred in two films of questionable quality—with his new scenes for Zack Snyder's Justice League as the cherry on top.
Fans will have to wait until The Flash hits theaters on November 4, 2022 next year to learn if Affleck has any future left in the cowl.