The Pitt Star Isa Briones Talks Dr. Langdon Twist & Rivalry With Dr. Santos (Exclusive)

Dr. Santos finally made a big decision she was debating about for hours.

By Russ Milheim Posted:
The Pitt, Dr. Langdon

The Pitt star Isa Briones spoke with The Direct's Russ Milheim in an exclusive interview where she broke down Dr. Santos' big decision in Episode 10.

After suspecting Patrick Ball's Dr. Langdon for most of the day of messing with the medicine supply, and maybe even stealing some, Santos (who has already endured a very emotional day) finally shares her suspicions with Noah Wyle's Dr. Robbie. It doesn't take long for him to confront Dr. Langon, which doesn't turn out well.

Their confrontation reveals that Dr. Langdon has, in fact, been slimming medicine from patients. Dr. Robbie promptly kicks him out of the hospital, firing him on the spot.

Isa Briones Breaks Down Dr. Langdon Twist In The Pitt Episode 10

Dr. Langdon and Dr. Santos

"...She's Still Someone Who Knows Right and Wrong."

  • The Direct: "You and Dr. Langdon don't get along, you know? It's a rocky relationship there, and it definitely comes to a point in Episode 9 where he just kind of snaps and really lays into you. What was it like filming that moment? And do you think that Santos kind of felt upset at all, or was she just taking it in and she's like, don't worry, you're gonna get your comeuppance?"

Isa Briones: I like that scene a lot because we've seen Santos be so aggressive up to that point, and that was kind of a nice change of pace for her to not, she didn't fight back. She just kind of sat in it and was like, sure... I think she knows at this point, he hates me, I don't like him either. There's no point in trying to fight whatever he's doing or any hate that he has towards me...

And I think in the end, kind of gets an ally in Dr. Samira, because she kind of stands up for her [and] takes the fall for her. And I think it shows a bit of humanity in Santos... I mean, you have that in Episode 7, but you have little bits and bobs here throughout the season, and you start to realize, like, okay, she's not a monster.

Like, obviously. Because anyone who acts that way, you know something's going on underneath. Hurt people hurt people. And so, like, we know that there's vulnerability under there. And clearly, that was a moment I think of intelligence, of like, I'm not gonna try to save my ass here. I know what this is, but I can actually do some good for someone else. And I thought that was a cool moment.

  • The Direct: "What was the final straw for Santos to finally go, all right, I'm going to tell somebody about whatever's happening with these drugs?"

Briones: I mean, I think she's obviously a very aggressive person who can be mean; she can do all those things, but I think she's still someone who knows right and wrong... 

Obviously, Langdon being kind of an ass to her, like, went into that. But it's also like, Hey, this is jeopardizing patient care, is kind of the main thing. Someone's not getting their meds, and that's an issue.

And so I think that's kind of the final straw there. But the fact that Langdon has been kind of mean right back to her doesn't help.

  • The Direct: " You think they were probably always doomed to kind of fall out? There was probably no world where those two got along, right?

Briones: There's no world where they get along, but, I guess, I don't know if we expected it to go this far.

The full spoiler-filled conversation with Isa Briones can be seen here:

The Direct also spoke with The Pitt's Taylor Deardan in a separate interview, who plays Dr. King in the series, and the actress revealed that her character won't even find out that he was ever fired:

  • The Direct: A big event happens [In Episode 10] where Dr. Langdon gets kind of kicked out at the very end. Dr. King and Dr. Langdon form a close relationship throughout the season. Once, because obviously, I assume she'll find out, but can you kind of tease how you think Dr. King is going to take in that information, how it's going to make her feel, and will she maybe, like, kind of start to hate Dr. Santos a little bit, or is she the type that's going to understand the reality of the situation and go, that sucks, but he did wrong.

Taylor Dearden:  That's a good question, but I can totally spoil that Mel never finds out. Which is, I mean, it's realistic. If you have someone fired midday, you're not going to share it with everyone... But yeah. But I definitely miss him. And there's a bunch of times where you could see Mel kind of looking around, hoping to find him to help her or just to be there.

The Direct's full conversation with The Pitt's Taylor Dearden can be watched in full below:

The Pitt is now streaming on Max.

- About The Author: Russ Milheim
Russ Milheim is the Industry Relations Coordinator at The Direct. On top of utilizing his expertise on the many corners of today’s entertainment to cover the latest news and theories, he establishes and maintains communication and relations between the outlet and the many studio and talent representatives.