Not all of the members of James Gunn's Suicide Squad are going to make it out of the film alive. Many character deaths have been teased and the general vibe the marketing gives off thus far is that no one is safe. Heck, it's right there in the film's tagline: "Don't Get Too Attached."
It's almost to be expected though, especially for fans of James Gunn's sometimes edgy work. And with an R rating, it goes without saying that there will be at least a few characters meeting a grisly end.
But what characters are definitely dead and which will be spared?

The Suicide Squad director, James Gunn took time on Twitter to respond to an article from ScreenRant which was retweeted by a fan. The linked article was concerning predicted seven characters would die in The Suicide Squad . Gunn retorted, "this is overly optimistic to say the least," indicating that the death toll in The Suicide Squad will be well over 7:
And when confronted by Twitter user, MorroJarcor who pleaded that "King Shark, Polka Dot Man and Ratcatcher must survive, James Gunn's response was but a single word: " Um."
So, non-committal to say the least. Honestly, given the film's marketing, anyone and/or everyone could be killed off in this movie. Even characters that would be way outside the sphere of typical guesses like Harley Quinn or Amanda Waller.
For a film that hasn't revealed a ton of footage yet, it's certainly encouraging that fans have already formed strong likings to these characters. They might have a fondness for their comic book counterparts, or maybe they just really like the actors playing them. But these attachments are likely, ultimately misplaced given that characters such as Bloodsport and Captain Boomerang might just be on the chopping block.
Fans may be under the impression that John Cena's Peacemaker may be the one character in the film deemed "unkillable," given that Cena is set to star as Peacemaker in his own HBO Max series. However, reports have indicated that the show is a prequel to The Suicide Squad.
In any case, James Gunn's The Suicide Squad hits theaters and HBO Max on August 6, 2021.