Feature Articles

Spider-Man 3 Title: What Will The 2021 MCU Film Be Called?

The third Spider-Man movie co-produced by Sony and Marvel Studios is set to hit the big screen in 2021, but what will the title be?

By Julia Delbel -

MCU MADNESS CHAMPIONSHIP: #1 Avengers: Endgame vs. #2 Avengers: Infinty War

MCU MADNESS CHAMPIONSHIP: #1 Avengers: Endgame vs. #2 Avengers: Infinty War

By Matt Roembke -

Top 10 MCU Cameos (Excluding Stan Lee)

From Elon Musk to David Hasselhoff to Matt Damon, these are the 10 best cameos in the MCU by anyone not named Stan Lee

By Richard Nebens -

Avengers 5 Prediction: Which Characters Will Lead The New Avengers?

From Spider-Man to Captain Marvel, here are the heroes most likely to lead the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Avengers team moving forward!

By Pierre Chanliau -

The Mandalorian Season 2 Predictions: 5 Theories For What's To Come

The season finale of The Mandalorian was the exclamation point on a spectacular first season and opened the door for new plot points and storylines in season two. What should fans expect in season 2?

By Pete Hernandez -


A recap of the Elite 8 round of the Star Wars Madness Tournament.

By Andrew Gilman -


MCU MADNESS ELITE 8 RECAP. Who will make it to the championship round?

By Matt Roembke -

Exclusive: Details About Kit Harington’s Black Knight, The Eternals Production Revealed

An exclusive report about how Kit Harington will be wearing a comic book accurate Black Knight costume for Marvel Studios' "The Eternals", along with other news regarding the film's production.

By Pamela Gores -

Star Wars: What If 7 Skywalker Saga Moments Happened Differently

From Star Wars: A New Hope to Star Wars: The Rise of SKywalker, this article counts down the biggest "What if" situations in the Skywalker saga.

By Jack Pues -

Exclusive: Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano Contract is a Disney+ Multi-Show Deal

The Direct Exclusive: Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano contract is a multi-show deal, according to insider Daniel Richtman. This could open the possibility of Ahsoka appearing in multiple Disney+ shows.

By Pete Hernandez -

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