When we were first introduced to a galaxy of mystical forces and lightsabers in the original Star Wars: A New Hope, the Jedi Order was all but extinguished. However, when the prequel movies rolled around (and made Midi-chlorian canon), we finally got a glimpse of what the Jedi were like at full strength. With over a thousand generations of Jedi knights, each a beacon of peace and justice, it's no surprise that there would be an extensive list of Star Wars Jedi characters.
A Comprehensive List of Star Wars Jedi Characters
The Jedi have served as the galaxy's defenders of good and light. They are pledged to safeguard the Republic's citizens. Let's take a look at this full-blown list of Jedi characters throughout Star Wars history.
Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura, a Rutian Twi'lek, was a Jedi Master and Grand Army of the Republic Jedi General during the Clone Wars. Before the Clone Wars, Secura served as a Padawan under Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, learning the ways of the Force. During the Battle of Geonosis, Aayla Secura was one of the Jedi who rescued Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padme Amidala. She went on to become a general in the Clone Wars before being slain by her own forces when Order 66 was carried out on Felucia.
Adi Gallia

During the Galactic Republic's last years, Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council. She was a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, and she engaged in various engagements throughout the Republic–Separatist struggle, until Darth Maul's brother Savage Opress assassinated her. Her cousin Stass Allie replaced her on the Council as a result.
Agen Kolar

Agen Kolar, a member of the Jedi Council prior to the Clone Wars, took part in the First Battle of Geonosis, which launched the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Kolar was a member of the Jedi assault squad put up by fellow Jedi High Council member Mace Windu to save Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala from the Separatists' execution. He was one of the Jedi assassinated by Darth Sidious when Mace Windu sought to apprehend the Sith Lord.
Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was a Togruta former Jedi Padawan who helped organize a network of rebel cells against the Galactic Empire following the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Plo Koon discovered Tano on her homeworld of Shili and took her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to undertake Jedi training. After the Clone Wars broke out, Jedi Grand Master Yoda appointed Tano to be the Padawan pupil of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who dubbed her "Snips" when she joined him at the Battle of Christophsis. During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano deserted the Order after falsely accusing the Jedi Temple.
Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker, so close to being a Jedi master name, if only he could have managed his emotions. The chosen one produced through midi-chlorians who grew up to become a superb Jedi, only to be tempted by the Dark Side, aid in the Order's annihilation, and become the despised Sith Lord Darth Vader.
Asajj Ventress

Asajj Ventress is a Dathomirian who has worked as a slave, a Jedi Padawan, a Sith assassin, a Nightsister, and a bounty hunter throughout her existence. Ventress' coven was forced to hand her up to the criminal Hal'Sted when she was young, and he whisked her away from her sisters to the war-torn world of Rattatak, where she was reared as a slave in his service. When Weequay pirates slew her owner, she was orphaned, but she was subsequently recovered by Jedi Knight Ky Narec, who was trapped on Rattatak and fighting the pirate marauders. Ventress, however, went to the Dark Side and Count Dooku after he was dead. She did redeem herself and her lover Quinlan Vos in an act of sacrifice that cost her life.
Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee was a Jedi Knight from Mirial. She was a Padawan under Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and wielded a blue lightsaber. Offee took part in the Clone Wars' first battle, the Battle of Geonosis, and remained with Unduli throughout the conflict. She would abandon her fellow Jedi when she realized the Order was on the wrong side of the fight. She eventually orchestrated the Temple's explosion, which resulted in the deaths of numerous Jedi.
Ben Solo

Until Kylo Ren fell to the Dark Side, Luke Skywalker taught his nephew Ben Solo and a "new generation" of Force-sensitives the teachings of the Jedi. Amidst this list of famous Star Wars Jedi character names, Ben Solo needed to jump on board and assumed the name Kylo Ren and betrayed his uncle and other Padawans under the influence of Supreme Leader Snoke.
Bolla Ropal

During the Clone Wars, Bolla Ropal was a Rodian who served as a Jedi Master and Jedi General in the Jedi Order. During the conflict, Ropal was the curator of the Kyber memory crystal, which housed information on the identities of Force-sensitive youngsters all around the galaxy.
Coleman Kcaj

Coleman Kcaj was a Ongree Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic's last years. During the Clone Wars, Kcaj was elected to the Jedi High Council and survived the Great Jedi Purge for years.
Coleman Trebor

Coleman Trebor was a Vurk Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council before the Clone Wars and was a member of the Jedi High Council. Trebor attempted to fight Count Dooku during the First Battle of Geonosis but was shot and killed by bounty hunter Jango Fett.
Count Dooku

Count Dooku was a Jedi Master who turned to the evil side of the Force and became Darth Tyranus, the Dark Lord of the Sith, during the Galactic Republic's dying years. During the Clone Wars, he served as Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems after abandoning the Jedi Order. He was Darth Sidious' second apprentice, and his plan to rule the galaxy hinged on Dooku organizing a pan-galactic separatist campaign against the Republic. As a result, Dooku immersed himself in the dark side and worked diligently to further his and his master's objectives, but he eventually lost that treachery was the Sith's way of life, and he also forgot that he was merely a pawn of his master.
Depa Billaba

Depa Billaba was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the latter years of the Jedi Order. She was born on the planet Chalacta and joined the Jedi Order as a child, where she was trained by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Billaba was subsequently nominated to the Council with her old master, and she was there when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn introduced the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, to the governing body. After the Jedi Master was slain during the Battle of Naboo, she attended Jinn's burial.
Eekar Oki

During the Clone Wars, Eekar Oki served as a Jedi for the Galactic Republic. Oki attended a conference of Jedi Order members after being contacted by Confederate General Grievous during his detention of Jedi Master Eeth Koth, and later that year in the Galactic Senate Building.
Eeth Koth

Eeth Koth served on the Jedi High Council in the Galactic Republic's last years. During the Clone Wars, he served as a Jedi General. Koth was abducted by General Grievous and used as bait to draw other Jedi into a trap after surviving the initial combat on Geonosis that initiated the conflict.
Even Piell

Prior to the Clone Wars, even Piell was born on Lannik. During a struggle with militants on his home planet, Piell lost his left eye. Piell rose through the ranks of the Jedi Order to become a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council. However, he was captured during the Clone Wars and became a prisoner of war and was eventually slain.

During the Clone Wars, Halsey, a Roonan Jedi Master, fought with Clone Commander "Trauma" and his Padawan Knox during the Republic's defense of the Temple of Eedit on the planet Devaron. Savage Opress, Darth Maul’s brother, ultimately killed him during the struggle.
Ima-Gun Di

During the Clone Wars, Ima-Gun Di was a Jedi Master who served as a General for the Jedi Order. While assisting in the rescue of Ryloth's people, he was slain by Separatist droid soldiers.
Jocasta Nu

Jocasta Nu was a Jedi Master who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives during the Galactic Republic's last years. Nu's major responsibility in this capacity was to look after the vast Archives, assisting her fellow Jedi in finding the information they required while also managing access to various restricted vaults and relics.

During the Galactic Republic's latter years, Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council. Mundi rose through the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic to become a Jedi General during the Clone Wars.
Kit Fisto

Kit Fisto, an amphibious creature, was a Jedi Council member who could combat the Clone Wars on both dry and wet planets. Fisto became increasingly active on the High Council after the Mon Cala campaign. Anakin Skywalker confessed to Mace Windu that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith Lord as the war's conclusion approached. To arrest Palpatine, Windu led Fisto and fellow Masters Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin to Palpatine's office. Kolar and Tiin were swiftly dispatched by the Dark Lord, while Fisto survived just a few seconds longer before succumbing to Sidious' ultimate power, with Windu joining them shortly after.
Luke Skywalker

Probably the most famous of all Star Wars Jedi characters is. Luke Skywalker. A Tatooine farm child who inherited his father's Force sensitivity, he didn’t know about his true origins until he met Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke Skywalker was exposed to the Force by the elderly Jedi, and he would go on to become a brilliant knight, a Rebel Alliance hero, and the only person who could return Anakin Skywalker to the lightside of the Force.
Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli was a Mirialan Jedi Master. Lena was the 41st Elite Corps commander and Barriss Offee's master. Unduli was horrified when Offee betrayed the Jedi Order by bombing the Jedi Temple. Unduli fought in the Battle of Kashyyyk. After Palpatine abolished the Jedi Order, she was captured and killed. To lure and destroy any Jedi who escaped Order 66, the Empire used her corpse. Kanan Jarrus and the Ghost crew were duped into thinking Unduli was alive and imprisoned on Stygeon Prime. They went on a rescue operation only to find out it was a Grand Inquisitor trap. The rebels escaped with the news that Unduli had died, avoiding any further deaths in her name. Unduli's voice was heard many years later by Rey Skywalker when she met Darth Sidious on Exegol, encouraging her to find the light.
Mace Windu

During the Clone Wars, the purple lightsaber wielder Mace Windu was the most senior member of the Jedi Council, aside from Yoda .During the dark days of the Republic, he was the greatest advocate of the Jedi Order and its old traditions. When the Separatist Crisis led to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Clone Wars, Windu and the Jedi led the Grand Army of the Republic to defend the Republic. Windu served the Jedi and the Republic in numerous positions throughout the war — on the battlefield commanding the clone army, on Coruscant overseeing the war effort and advising Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and even as a diplomat visiting contested worlds.
Windu was wary of Palpatine's objectives when the battle ended, noticing Palpatine's near-dictatorial rule over the Galactic Senate, and the rise of the dark side in the galaxy. Windu defeated Palpatine and intended to kill the chancellor owing to his power over the government, but Anakin Skywalker's interference led to Windu's demise.
Nahdar Vebb

Nahdar Vebb was a Mon Calamari Jedi Knight. He was taught as a Jedi by the Nautolan Jedi Master Kit Fisto, but when Fisto was called away, Vebb had to finish his training on his own. He passed his Jedi Trials and became a skilled Force healer. Unfortunately, he was assassinated by General Grievous not long after achieving full Knighthood.
Obi-Wan Kenobi

This Jedi Master went from having one of the best Jedi names, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Ben Kenobi in a surprisingly successful attempt to elude the Empire’s authority. During his exile, the famed Jedi Master played a key part in the galaxy's fate during the Galactic Republic's final days. He was master to two of the most famous Jedi Star Wars characters, Anakin and Luke Skywalker, teaching them the ways of the Force. He had a lengthy and turbulent career that influenced the galaxy's destiny.
Oppo Rancisis

During the High Republic Era, the Invasion of Naboo, and the Clone Wars, Oppo Rancisis was a Force-sensitive Thisspiasian Jedi Master who sat on the Jedi Council. He was regarded as one of the Council's smartest members. He was a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge and was revered for his calm knowledge and commitment to the Force.
Ord Enisence

Ord Enisence was a Jedi Master who Cad Bane assassinated before the event with Bolla Ropal. During their raid on the Jedi Temple, Bane's colleague bounty hunter, the shapeshifting Cato Parasitti, impersonated Enisence.
Plo Koon

Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the Galactic Republic's last years. During the war, he led his 104th Battalion on several difficult operations and because of his Kel Dor physiology, this Council member needed to wear a mask when in oxygen environments.
Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi name that has gone down in history, was a Force-sensitive Jedi Master who lived during the Galactic Republic's last decades and was most famous for uncovering Anakin Skywalker, and bringing him into the Jedi Order. Jinn, a follower of the Living Force, was always present in the moment, and he frequently battled with and openly challenged the Jedi High Council.
Quinlan Vos

Quinlan Vos was a Kiffar Jedi Master who lived during the Galactic Republic's demise. Born on Kiffu, he was a Jedi who liked to break the rules. He was known for his retrocognition (perceiving memories of people when touching items) making Vos a skilled tracker. He was often sent into the criminal underbelly. On one one these missions, he encountered Aayla Secura and made her as his Padawan.
Rey Skywalker

Rey was a Jedi Master who fought alongside the Resistance against the First Order in the Star Wars universe. Her life was affected by the turbulent events of the New Republic Era, since she was a former scavenger from the planet Jakku. However, through a series of adventures that spanned the galaxy, she eventually took on the most famous of Jedi names in Star Wars history, becoming Rey Skywalker.
Rig Nema

Rig Nema was a Halaisi Consular Jedi medic and during one violent battle, Grand Master Yoda became one of Doctor Nema's patients, hearing the disembodied voice of late Master Qui-Gon Jinn, much to the dismay of the Jedi Council.
Saesee Tiin

Saesee Tiin, an Iktotchi from the moon Iktotch, was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the Galactic Republic's last years. Tiin served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, and was a competent lightsaber combatant and starfighter pilot.
Shaak Ti

Shaak Ti was a member of the Council and a commander throughout the wars, and directed the Clone Trooper training on Kamino for a while. She was a great warrior and a committed follower of the Jedi teachings. Ti served as a general in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide struggle between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ti was killed at the Siege of the Jedi Temple by fallen Jedi Anakin Skywalker during the Great Jedi Purge.

Sifo-Dyas, a Jedi from the Cassandran Worlds, served on the Jedi High Council before the Naboo Invasion. He predicted a galaxy-wide battle and felt the Galactic Republic would need an army to win. But the Jedi Council rejected his ideas, and he was expelled. Nonetheless, he proceeded his plans in secret, contacting Kaminoan cloners and claiming Council and Galactic Senate approval to develop an army for the Republic. So he unwittingly put himself in the path of the Sith, who sought to take over his cloning effort.
Stass Allie

Stass Allie, a Tholothian female Jedi Master, lived during the Galactic Republic's dying years. She was Adi Gallia's cousin. When Gallia was slain, Allie became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and a member of the Jedi High Council. Allie would not last long on Saleucami during the Clone Wars. Clone Commander CC-8826 opened fire on Allie, killing her instantaneously.
Tera Sinube

Tera Sinube was a Cosian Jedi Master who lived during the Galactic Republic's glory days. The High Republic marshal of a Jedi station on Derra, Sinube served on the Jedi High Council before Naboo's invasion. During the Clone Wars, Sinube helped Ahsoka Tano retrieve her stolen lightsaber from a thief called Bannamu. He taught Jedi arts to younglings in the Coruscant temple.

Tiplar was a yellow-skinned Mikkian female Jedi Master and Grand Army of the Republic General during the Clone Wars. Tiplar, along with her twin sister Tiplee, headed a clone soldier battalion under Clone Commander Doom. The three of them worked together with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's 501st Legion to evict the Confederacy of Independent Systems from Ringo Vinda's orbit. Due to a glitch in his inhibitor chip, 501st clone trooper Tup executed Tiplar by shooting her in the head during the campaign. Tup's alleged act of treachery spurred a high-profile inquiry that led ARC soldier Fives to discover the presence and operation of the clones' inhibitor chips.

Tiplee was a red-skinned Mikkian Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic alongside her twin sister Tiplar. She and her sister were Jedi Generals in the Grand Army of the Republic and fought at Ringo Vinda. During the campaign, Tiplar was slain by clone trooper CT-5385, nicknamed "Tup," due to a defect in the clone's behavioral modification biochip that prompted clones to kill Jedi as traitors. Tiplee was there and saw her sister die.
Tu-Anh was a Jedi Master who perished while investigating a Separatist scheme on Utapau at the conclusion of the Clone Wars. Locals found her body and showed it to Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Yaddle was a female Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council during the Galactic Republic's last years. She was a Force-sensitive female being of the same species as Grand Master Yoda and Grogu and served on the High Council by the time of the Naboo Invasion.
Yarael Poof

Yarael Poof, a Quermian Jedi Master, is known for more than his exceptionally long neck, two brains and extra set of arms — but also his mastery over Jedi mind tricks and illusions. He would sit on the Jedi High Council during the High Republic Era and Galactic Republic's last years.

Yoda, a mystery Force-sensitive creature, was a renowned Jedi Master and also respected as the best lightsaber wielder. He was a key figure in the Clone Wars, the revival of the Jedi via Luke Skywalker, and the discovery of the secret to immortality, having lived through nine centuries of galactic history. Yoda, one of the most influential Jedi characters in Star Wars, was a little man with great wisdom and power, educated generations of Jedi and eventually became the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.
And there you have it, the entire list of Jedi characters. For more of the latest entertainment rumors and Star Wars news, keep it here at the Direct!