It's been a while since fans have heard anything about Halo Infinite. After it's lackluster reveal at last years E3, hopes for the game's quality weren't all that high. Matters weren't helped when COVID came around and delayed the game indefinitely.
Thankfully, the most recent peaks at the game showed some graphical improvements. Many were relieved as well when glimpses of the game's multiplayer came out, and it seemed like the Halo everyone knows and loves, with some new elements of course.
That all said, there still haven't been many substantial updates on the games progress. At least, until now.
Microsoft has officially brought Halo Infinite back into the spotlight.
The studio began by revealing a brand-new environment, which they claim will be one of the biggest that the Halo franchise has had to date. Fans were then treated to a little taste of the campaign, as Master Chief floated through some crash debris in a lower gravity environment.
The biggest surprise came at the reveal that someone had stopped Cortana's upload––and they were going to find out whom.
That all said, there still haven't been many substantial updates on the games progress, but that changed today.
On top of that, Microsoft officially unveiled the next addition to the franchise's long-storied multiplayer. This time, the entire mode will be free-to-play, and from the looks of the reveal down below, none of the classic Halo elements have left.
After many delays, and lots of silence, the next entry in the Halo story is set to make its debut this fall. While Microsoft didn't have a date to give, fingers crossed that another delay isn't waiting around the worker.
It's crazy to think that it has been six years since the last Halo game. Microsoft's biggest franchise hasn't seen the sun for quite some time, so it's needless to say that it's about time it gets out of the shadows.
Halo: Infinite is expected to release before the end of 2021, exclusively on Xbox.