The launch of Cyberpunk 2077 and its fallout has been an incredibly volatile state of affairs. The game was released in a mostly broken state on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and apologies from its developer, CD Projekt Red, were viewed by fans as largely insufficient .
The game was eventually removed from the PlayStation store entirely , and Xbox updated its refund policies .
Earlier this month, CD Projekt Red was targeted with a cyberattack that successfully stole source codes for Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 , as well as other documents.
It seems that the attack has affected CD Projekt’s production schedule, as the company announced a delay for an anticipated update.
In a series of tweets today, Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red confirmed that the next patch for the game has been delayed to the second half of March due to the recent cyberattack aimed at the studio.
In the tweets, CD Projekt Red assures players that the patch, when released, will go "beyond any of our previous updates:"
"While we dearly wanted to deliver Patch 1.2 for Cyberpunk 2077 in the timespan we detailed previously, the recent cyber attack on the studio’s IT infrastructure and extensive scope of the update mean this unfortunately will not happen — we’ll need some additional time. 1/3"
"Our goal for Patch 1.2 goes beyond any of our previous updates. We’ve been working on numerous overall quality improvements and fixes, and we still have work to do to make sure that’s what you get. With that in mind, we’re now aiming for release in the second half of March. 2/3"
"It’s not the news we enjoy sharing, but we want to make sure we launch this update properly. Stay tuned for more information as the time draws closer. Thank you for your continued patience and support. 3/3"
The original tweets can be found below:
While we dearly wanted to deliver Patch 1.2 for Cyberpunk 2077 in the timespan we detailed previously, the recent cyber attack on the studio’s IT infrastructure and extensive scope of the update mean this unfortunately will not happen — we’ll need some additional time. 1/3
Our goal for Patch 1.2 goes beyond any of our previous updates. We’ve been working on numerous overall quality improvements and fixes, and we still have work to do to make sure that’s what you get. With that in mind, we’re now aiming for release in the second half of March. 2/3
It’s not the news we enjoy sharing, but we want to make sure we launch this update properly. Stay tuned for more information as the time draws closer. Thank you for your continued patience and support. 3/3
Despite the state of Cyberpunk 2077 , cyberattacks levied at the studio are by no means justified. In fact, they only seek to undermine the studio’s efforts at fixing the game. This illegal attack has clearly set back the studio’s progress on updating the game.
Much of the blame for the state of Cyberpunk 2077 can be directed at the upper management of CD Projekt Red, who set unrealistic deadlines that forced the developers to release a massively buggy game . No one should be punished by vigilante internet trolls, but it’s sad to see that it’s the developers – the ones working to fix the game they were forced to release – who are being targeted.
The future of Cyberpunk 2077 is somewhat uncertain. Future patches are aimed at improving the game, a full next-gen version is coming this year, and DLC and expansions are planned to expand the game’s story. Beyond those additions, it’s unclear whether the game will reach a playable state on base PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. This illegal attack certainly delays that prospect.